Delaware Liberal

Sheriff Christopher Screws Up and Cost Sussex County $7,426,461

It is all laid out for you in this Delaware Right Guest Post by Georgetown lawyer John Sandy. Sandy took a look at the recent bid documents reprocuring process serving services in the County. The Constitutional Sheriff couldn’t bring himself to follow the requirements of the RFP and lost the contract. A contract that should have added about $7M to Sussex County coffers. Seriously — go read the whole thing. Mr. Sandy provides documentation to back this up and also takes a look at how Christoper paid for his lawsuit via a non-refundable retainer with one of the law firms that represents the County. He claims that since it was a non-refundable retainer, that his lawsuit where multiple courts told him his view of the constitution wasn’t even worthy of a fiction award, that the taxpayers paid no money for his defense. Sussex doesn’t operate on a retainer basis and Sandy provides a summary of the invoices presented to the County to defend his boondoggle. Seriously folks, go read the whole thing. Not only is Christoper a bad constitutional scholar (?), he’s been an incompetent administrator of the office, losing a major revenue stream. And he is a liar. Sussex County citizens should send him to jail.

And for your Friday Hilarity — Ted Nugent has endorsed the Constitutional Sheriff (via Delaware1059) and provides helpful instructions on how to write in Christopher’s name on the ballot. You would make my day if you could tell me that these instructions were not correct. What is it with these teajhadis who think that candidates who just rip off taxpayers are somehow worthy public service?

[$7.5 million anti-tyranny lights pictured below]

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