Saturday Open Thread [10.18.14]
It looks like the betting markets have spoken. The Senate will be in the hands of the GOP after November 4th.
It looks like the betting markets have spoken. The Senate will be in the hands of the GOP after November 4th.
The Democtats deserve all the scorn they are getting from midterm voters. I’ll honestly be surprised if people like Mayra k and Sean Barney squeak by with the crappy national party we have.
If so then the real games begin and Obama buys an extra ink cartridge for his veto pen. On the bright side I expect Republican insanity to repel many more voters in the 2016 election, leading to another flip flop as yet more bums are thrown out. As for the Democratic party it’s hard not to feel they’ve forgotten what it means to be a Dem and to fight for those values. Tom Carper, Carney and Coons come to mind, in that order.
I wonder how much the “phoning it in crew” at the top of the ticket is going to hurt down ticket candidates on the bubble like Sean Barney?
Both of our senators are perfectly happy to be in the minority. In fact I think they prefer it. Carper and Coons were distinctly uncomfortable with having to vote on Democratic bills coming out of Pelosi’s House.
As much as I hope that’s how it turns out, the only poll which actually counts is going to be held on November 4th, and a lot can still happen between now and then.
Mr 330 wrote:
Don’t forget that Democratic Senate candidates like Mark Pryor, Kay Hagan and Alison Grimes are spending their campaigns running away from the national Democratic Party. And, last I heard, the DSCC has pulled its money out of advertising for Mrs Grimes.
No shit Sherlock. What did you imagine the context of my comment to be?
Jeez you’re stupid.
Kittila endorsed by the gun nuts:
Not just endorsed by. He agrees with the gun nuts.
The GOP fields its ATF team.
Alcohol (Simpler filling the emergency ward with alcohol poisoning)
Tobacco (Wade can’t kick his Tareytons)
Firearms (Kittila the gun-totin’ hayseed)
I’m sick of these minority women getting free packs of 64 slices of American cheese. Its bankrupting the nation and I’m voting Republican, lol