Archive for October, 2014

Monday Daily Delawhere [10.13.14]

Filed in National by on October 13, 2014 1 Comment
Monday Daily Delawhere [10.13.14]

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What Creeping Sharia Law Looks Like

Filed in Delaware by on October 12, 2014 32 Comments
What Creeping Sharia Law Looks Like

And this is right here in Millsboro and the Indian River School District, where one Shaun Fink is trying to impose his religious bigotries (beliefs masquerading as bigotry) on the high school students in the District. You can read the details of Mr. Fink’s attempt to impose this atrocious bit of Christian Sharia law in this NJ article. Mr. Fink is hiding behind his so-called Christianity to try to demonize and ostracize LGBT people, objecting to the teaching of differences in sexual orientation as against his beliefs. Unfortunately, Mr. Fink still thinks he is living in the last century where not only could you get away with that kind of bigotry, but there was little price to be paid for it. In this century, this kind of bigotry is simply not a survial skill or a leadership skill — two things you want your kids to have. An official demonization of LGBT people — objecting to making them normal (as if they aren’t already) not only does not serve these kids, but also tries to use the government to impose your bigotry on others. Even more, what Mr. Fink knows is that kids are more tolerant of differences among them, including LGBT differences. Trying to curb a basic course on sexuality to impart Mr. Fink’s message that LGBT people are not “normal” is about him imposing his beliefs on these kids — because he knows that they don’t prioritize these differences. And trying to control other people — their behavior and their beliefs is what Sharia Law is all about, right?

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Sunday Open Thread [10.12.14]

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 12, 2014 6 Comments
Sunday Open Thread [10.12.14]

The affect of Obamacare in Delaware:

DHHS says that taken together, premiums for Medicare Part B and D will be more than $125 lower in 2015 than initially projected in 2009. That translates into a total of $2.9 million in savings in the First State.

Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Burwell attributed the savings to a slower rise in healthcare costs since the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. In a statement, Burwell said the ACA is “working to improve affordability and access to quality care for seniors and people with disabilities.”

Meanwhile, remember that Libertarian Propaganda Institute that gave Governor Markell an “F” for fiscal responsibility?

Moody’s Investor Services, Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor’s Rating Services all gave Delaware a AAA credit rating this week. The agencies noted the state’s significant financial reserves and the strength of its labor market in their analysis.

I may disagree with Governor Markell’s PRIORITIES when it comes to economic policy, and his tax policy, but you can’t say he has been irresponsible fiscally. If he was, then the credit ratings agencies would have downgraded Delaware long ago, which is what the Libertarian hit piece was pure bullshit.

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Campaign mailers graded – Coons gets an A, Carney an F

Filed in National by on October 12, 2014 14 Comments
Campaign mailers graded – Coons gets an A, Carney an F

Facing off against nitwits who have been abandoned by their own party’s leadership, Carney or Coons could have passed on sending out campaign mailers this season, but they sent them so I’m here to grade them. The bottom line: Great job Coons. Carney, what the fuck are you running for? What office and why? I thought I knew prior to reading this piece of shit, but now I’m not sure.

First Coons – his piece is strong. On one side he is talking to hard hat wearing blue collar types which fits in with his laudable campaign theme of “Bringing manufacturing jobs back to Delaware.” In a stacked headline about the picture Coons provides the voters with basic facts: “Working hard for Delaware” is above “Democrat Chris Coons US Senator for Delaware.” Seeing the word “Democrat” gives me hope that Coons is aware of the fact that Republicans ARE the root problem in DC. That feeling is validated when I turn the piece over and read… “Chris is standing up to the Tea Party Republicans to put Delaware families first.”

I mean holy shit…right?

What’s up with Carney? Well his mailing is as slutty a mish-mash of mincing qualifications as Coons’ is direct and honorable.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [10.12.14]

Filed in Delaware by on October 12, 2014 0 Comments
Sunday Daily Delawhere [10.12.14]

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Filed in National by on October 11, 2014 1 Comment

Care about Wilmington schools and are on Twitter? This is the hashtag to help take back the conversation and talk about your ideas for making Wilmington schools actually work for city kids. Here’s the current Twitter feed. Started by Mike Matthews:

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Saturday Open Thread [10.11.14]

Filed in National by on October 11, 2014 2 Comments
Saturday Open Thread [10.11.14]

South Dakota Independent Larry Pressler told The Hill that he won’t say who he’d caucus with if he wins his independent U.S. Senate race in South Dakota but said that if elected, he’d be a “friend of Obama.” He also confirmed voting for Obama twice: “I don’t regret those votes, ’cause on that day, that’s how I felt.”

I kinda hope he doesn’t win, and in fact, I predict in the map that he will not. Yes, that’s right. I think, when all is said and done, the Democrats will hope onto Arkansas, Iowa, North Carolina and Colorado, while losing Montana, South Dakota, West Virginia, Alaska and Louisiana. That would leave the GOP one seat short of the majority, but then I believe the Dems will win Georgia and Kentucky from the GOP, and the Independent Orman will win Kansas, and then caucus with the Dems.

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 11, 2014 0 Comments

President Obama:

Governor Markell:

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YWCA Delaware: Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Filed in Delaware by on October 11, 2014 0 Comments

FYI… Important info below.  Please spread the word.     YWCA Delaware Promotes Domestic Violence Awareness Month WILMINGTON, DE – YWCA Delaware commemorates Domestic Violence Awareness Month with free workshops and additional support group meetings during the month of October. YWCA will host workshops at high schools and community based organizations throughout Delaware to teach […]

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [10.11.14]

Filed in Delaware by on October 11, 2014 0 Comments
Saturday Daily Delawhere [10.11.14]

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Wilmington City Council’s Meeting On Priority Schools

Filed in Delaware by on October 10, 2014 35 Comments
Wilmington City Council’s Meeting On Priority Schools

Last night I attended the City Council Meeting on Priority Schools.

I’ve stared at the above sentence for quite a while, not sure how to proceed.  Mainly because I think last night was simply window dressing, a box checked off… the deal is done.  These schools, imo, are headed for charter conversion, privatization or closure.  The only question is when this will happen.  Shortly after the December 31, 2014 Plan deadline? Or after the specified four year, approximately 6 million Plan doesn’t meet the standardized test bar?

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Friday Open Thread [10.10.14]

Filed in National by on October 10, 2014 2 Comments
Friday Open Thread [10.10.14]

Paul Krugman pens a defense of the President against his critics, and also lists his accomplishments. It is a lengthy piece, and you should read the whole thing, but here are some excerpts:

Obama faces trash talk left, right and center – literally – and doesn’t deserve it. Despite bitter opposition, despite having come close to self-inflicted disaster, Obama has emerged as one of the most consequential and, yes, successful presidents in American history. His health reform is imperfect but still a huge step forward – and it’s working better than anyone expected. Financial reform fell far short of what should have happened, but it’s much more effective than you’d think. Economic management has been half-crippled by Republican obstruction, but has nonetheless been much better than in other advanced countries. And environmental policy is starting to look like it could be a major legacy.

[…] [T]here’s a theme running through each of the areas of domestic policy I’ve covered. In each case, Obama delivered less than his supporters wanted, less than the country arguably deserved, but more than his current detractors acknowledge. The extent of his partial success ranges from the pretty good to the not-so-bad to the ugly. …

Am I damning with faint praise? Not at all. This is what a successful presidency looks like. No president gets to do everything his supporters expected him to. FDR left behind a reformed nation, but one in which the wealthy retained a lot of power and privilege. On the other side, for all his anti-government rhetoric, Reagan left the core institutions of the New Deal and the Great Society in place. I don’t care about the fact that Obama hasn’t lived up to the golden dreams of 2008, and I care even less about his approval rating. I do care that he has, when all is said and done, achieved a lot. That is, as Joe Biden didn’t quite say, a big deal.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [10.10.14]

Filed in Delaware by on October 10, 2014 0 Comments
Friday  Daily Delawhere [10.10.14]

Fall Begins on the Green, by Mike Mahaffie, on Flickr.

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