Archive for October, 2014

The “Voluntary” End of Slavery

Filed in National by on October 6, 2014 9 Comments
The “Voluntary” End of Slavery

a conservative member of the state Board of Education in Colorado, which has attempted to reject the AP History Framework and force a “patriotic” revisionist history that glorifies America at all times and ignores ugly blemishes in our past, has said in recent debates that America deserves credit, and praise, for voluntarily ending slavery.

From Talking Points Memo, this is what she said:

[Businesswoman Pam Mazanec] then wrote that her concern for the course “is an overly negative view of our history and many of our historical figures (if mentioned)” and cited history professors with “impressive credentials” who told her that the AP History curriculum is designed to “downplay our noble history.”

She used slavery to illustrate the point:

As an example, I note our slavery history. Yes, we practiced slavery. But we also ended it voluntarily, at great sacrifice, while the practice continues in many countries still today! Shouldn’t our students be provided that viewpoint? This is part of the argument that America is exceptional. Does our APUSH Framework support or denigrate that position?

This is a perfect example of the conservative oversimplification of history.

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Tom Gordon Calls Take Backs on Secrecy for Denmark Trips

Filed in Delaware by on October 6, 2014 18 Comments
Tom Gordon Calls Take Backs on Secrecy for  Denmark Trips

Over the weekend, the Gordon Administration started releasing some details in the planned trip to Denmark for a library tour by the Community Services Manager and an Administrative Librarian. The NJ article now has some estimates of the cost of the trip for two people and the planned dates of travel. There’s also some estimates of the costs of previous trips. The NJ is still pursuing its FOIA request for this data. Still — it’s all so much bull:

Some council members said they had never been briefed on the project. When they were finally given details last week, the Denmark trip was left out of the presentation. One council member happened to ask about it because he had heard a rumor.

“They all knew the principle behind this, which was to design the best library in the country,” Gordon said of council. “To attack that, it looks like we’re fighting and hurts our ability to attract more partners.”

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Monday Daily Delawhere [10.6.14]

Filed in Delaware by on October 6, 2014 0 Comments
Monday Daily Delawhere [10.6.14]

Rehoboth Beach, by James Cook on Flickr.

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I’m Tired Of People Like Panetta

Filed in National by on October 5, 2014 13 Comments
I’m Tired Of People Like Panetta

Apparently he’s got another tell all book about to come out. Timely, Leon, given that we’ve got a hugely important election next month with your “fellow” Democrats in the cross hairs of the party of hate.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [10.5.14]

Filed in Delaware by on October 5, 2014 0 Comments
Sunday Daily Delawhere [10.5.14]

Alapocas Bounce, a sculpture by Jerome Meadows in 2007, picture by the Flying Inn on Flickr.

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Saturday Open Thread [10.3.14]

Filed in National by on October 4, 2014 4 Comments

We have tons of polls in Senator and Governor races across the country, including some races that have been off our radar.

ARKANSAS–GOVERNOR–Rasmussen: Asa Hutchinson (R) 46, Mike Ross (D) 42
COLORADO–SENATOR–Rasmussen: Cory Gardner (R) 48, Sen. Mark Udall (D) 47
COLORADO–GOVERNOR–Rasmussen: Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) 50, Bob Beauprez (R) 46

More inside…

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 4, 2014 0 Comments

President Obama:

Governor Markell:

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [10.4.14]

Filed in National by on October 4, 2014 0 Comments
Saturday Daily Delawhere [10.4.14]

Wetland Forest at Lums Pond, by the Flying Inn on Flickr.

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Friday Open Thread [10.3.14]

Filed in National by on October 3, 2014 5 Comments

The Bureau of Labor Statistics released September’s employment figures on Friday and it was almost entirely good news. The economy added 248,000 new jobs during the month and the unemployment rate dropped to 5.9%. This is the lowest level the jobless rate has been since July 2008. The BLS also revised jobs numbers upwards for the months of August and July, revealing that we actually added 61,000 more jobs than previously estimated during those two months.

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Punkin Chunkin Sunken

Filed in National by on October 3, 2014 67 Comments
Punkin Chunkin Sunken

I just posted this so I could claim that headline.

The marquee Delaware event since 1986 won’t be held this year.

The pumpkins will not be flying this year after logistical problems in moving the annual Punkin Chunkin event to Dover International Speedway.

Earlier this summer, World Championship Punkin Chunkin leaders announced a deal to move the event from its traditional home in Bridgeville to Dover. Organizers were forced to find a new home after the property it had been held on was unable to host it anymore.

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I am getting spoiled with these new and frequent Delaware polls…

Filed in Delaware by on October 3, 2014 1 Comment
I am getting spoiled with these new and frequent Delaware polls…

Here is the latest:


Sixty percent [66%] of respondents to the poll, conducted Sept. 10-22 by phone, viewed [Beau Biden,] the second-term attorney general[,] favorably. Just 24 percent of the 902 Delaware adults surveyed held an unfavorable view.


Joe Biden’s numbers are at least as good, and maybe better. Sixty-four [64%] percent of adults surveyed held a favorable view, while 30 percent said they viewed the vice president, and Delaware’s longtime U.S. senator, unfavorably.


Gov. Jack Markell’s popularity slipped slightly in the past year, but his numbers remain strong. In last month’s poll, 55 percent viewed the governor favorably, while 25 percent viewed Markell unfavorably. That’s down from a 62 percent favorability rating in a University of Delaware poll a year ago.

We also have favorability numbers on our Congressional delegation (the three C’s), Lt. Governor Denn, and we even have 2016 Presidential horse race numbers for Hillary Clinton and some possible Republican opponents.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [10.3.14]

Filed in Delaware by on October 3, 2014 0 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [10.3.14]

Brandywine Creek Park, by the Flying Inn on Flickr.

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Flowers Endorses… ?

Filed in Delaware by on October 2, 2014 15 Comments
Flowers Endorses… ?


Based upon this principle and the questionable actions over the last 60 days, I cannot in good conscience endorse a candidate for this office. Rather, I encourage voters to support the candidate who has not only campaigned with the highest integrity, but has the financial education and experience to manage our $2 billion portfolio, will continue the “Honest Way” reforms to the Cash Board which have made over $50 million in returns for Delaware and supports mandatory background checks for those state employees having access to our state financial accounts.

First, questionable actions? The only questionable actions were Mr. Flowers’ in his personal life. And yet he somehow holds Sean Barney responsible for it, otherwise he would endorse him.

Barney is not responsible. Markell and Carper are not responsible. The minions behind all three of them are not responsible. The story after embarrassing story that we endured over the last three years with Chip Flowers and Alaska trips and Patriots tickets and his relationship with Ericka Benner, none of that was created by Jack Markell, Tom Carper or Sean Barney.

Oh sure, they all took full advantage of it, just like a football player jumps on a ball when it is fumbled.

If Chip Flowers is bitter and wants to blame someone, he needs to purchase a mirror. I was so looking forward to his tenure because I did want someone to challenge the Governor and shake things up. And the future politico in me saw this extraordinarily good retail politician going far, perhaps challenging Denn in 2016 for the gubernatorial nod, or settling for the Lt. Governor’s spot.

To beat the King, you have to be clean, and you better not miss.

As to his very snarky non-endorsement endorsement of Ken Simpler simply because he ran a hedge fund, well I guess I thought Chip Flowers was supposed to be the anti-corporate Democratic hero. I guess he forgot that in his bitterness. That has to be the deciding factor since both candidates, Barney and Simpler, have pretty stellar educational backgrounds. The difference between them is that Sean chose public service and the military, and Ken went into the private sector.

So enjoy that endorsement Ken, I say smiling.

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