Delaware Liberal

5 Reasons to Get Ready for a Republican President and a Republican Supreme Court

I know Democrats want to think that the Presidential elections are ours, but I wouldn’t be so sure. Of course we hope they’ll nominate a complete loser, but they may not. Then where will we be? The fact is, the GOP is building some huge advantages that are going unmatched by the Democrats. Five that come directly to mind are:

5. Republicans get to run against Democrats, and as has been well documented this year – the Democrat Party is a shit mess and with party “leadership” we have now, there is no chance of rallying by 2016. Our candidate will be at a huge disadvantage out of the gate running under the burden of being a “D”.

4. Republicans won all the state legislatures and Governorships. Well, not all of them, but nearly all of them and the biggies like Florida and Ohio.

3. Republicans are eager to cheat and basically don’t give a fuck about propriety and American democratic traditions of fairness. Now that they make all the rules (see #4) they have the resolve to make voting as hard as shit for anybody that they think will vote for whatever Republican-lite candidate the Dems nominate.

2. Money. Thanks to citizens United, they can air drop billions to save any weak looking piece of shit teabag anywhere in the country, as they did in Kansas.  They can turn swing districts with similar media tsunamis.  Also, they don’t have to waste all day begging for $25.00 donations.

1. Eye of the Tiger! Republicans have it in spades, Dems…not so much. Republicans are charged up to vote for their core values:

Republican leaning voters have been conditioned to vote in the same way junk yard dogs are conditioned to bite. Even when they aren’t hungry, they just get off on inflicting pain.  Democratic leaning voters have been conditioned to watch reruns of Gilligan Island, and say “what’s the point?”  Because indeed with the Democratic Party we have now – what’s the point?

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