Delaware Liberal

Schwartzkopf blames Christopher for Dems losses (except not really)

Poor Chris Flood trying to make sense out of Schwartzkopf post election analysis.

“He said because of the race for county sheriff, the turnout in Sussex County was somewhat different than in Kent and New Castle counties.

Republicans pushed hard to get out the vote because they didn’t want to see Jeff Christopher re-elected, said Schwartzkopf, and as a result some people who wouldn’t have voted otherwise ended up voting straight down party lines.

Schwartzkopf said he doesn’t necessarily think the outcome of the races would have been any different, but the percentages would have been closer.

Republicans had a good day, he said. It’s like a sports competition, he added, and the GOP had a better outcome.”

Yep. Just like a sports competition. The kind of competitions where one team has motivated players, strategies, coaching and leadership and the other doesn’t. It was just like that.

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