Delaware Liberal

Carper Changes His Reason For Voting in Favor of Keystone in the 11th Hour

Because his prior pretext was patently ludicrous and every bit of it was a cynical lie, Carper has updated his reason for voting in favor of the environment catastrophe known as the Keystone pipeline.

Now he says he is voting for this flaming peice of toxic shit because Mary Landreiu begged him to.

“Senator Landrieu has been cajoling, pleading with her colleagues—mostly Democrats—to provide an up or down vote on this,” Carper said in a recent interview with Bloomberg Politics. “I think the time has come.” (3 hrs ago via Bloomberg)

That”s some fucking bullshit. While It is a given that he doesn”t give a flying fuck about his constituents, that he so openly and brazenly putting the concerns of (soon to be Ex-)Senator Mary Landreiu”s above his constituent”s is surprising.

Even as late a yesterday, Carper was still trying to slide by with his the cynical lie about this vote being the key to bring the GOP to their bipartisan sense, and usher in a era of bipartisan peace and prosperity.

He even doubled down on the cynicism and lying:

“It has impeded our ability to work together and make progress even casino online on issues that we’re in agreement on,” he said Monday. “We need to address this issue and we need to move on. My hope is that my willingness to show some flexibility at this point in time will be reciprocated by the Republicans in a new majority when the time comes to address clean-air issues, clean-energy issues, energy conservation issues in a new Congress – because I sure expect them to reciprocate.

..Because I sure expect Republican to reciprocate?!?!? No fucking way you cynical liar. I can only hope that when Carper insisted that that was his REAL reason for this vote, the NJ”s Nicole Gaudiano just kept asking, “Really..? Really?, No, really?”

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