Delaware Liberal

Tom Carper Supports GOP Protest Over Executive Action on Immigration

I should never be surprised. I should just assume that Carper agrees with the Republicans on any given issue. And yet, he continues to surprise me.

Democrats say they want the opportunity to work out the immigration issue in the Congress.

But Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, which has jurisdiction of the immigration enforcement agencies that would be affected, said Obama should wait until next year.

“If I were the president, what I’d say to the Congress — House, Senate, Democrat or Republican — I’m going to give you a little bit of time and in the new Congress expect you to do something,” he said.

Carper said Obama should set a deadline for congressional action on immigration reform early next year and issue an executive order easing deportations if lawmakers fail to meet it.

I have to wonder if he supports shutting down the government in the event of executive action on immigration. If he does, I’m sure the Republicans will “reciprocate” and it will be the vote that ushers in an era of bipartisan peace and prosperity.

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