Delaware Liberal

In Praise of DMV And the People Who Work There

The next time someone makes an ad hominem attack on state workers, please commend to them the people who work at DMV. In my case, the facility just south of Wilmington off of Rt. 13 across from Casablanca.

I had to take my car through inspection today,  and I’d lost my registration card.

So, before going through the lanes, I stopped inside to get a new card. They have a help desk right inside to route people to the proper services, two people answering questions. I told them my problem, and I was told that there was no need to get a card just for inspection, just let the inspectors know.

I went through inspection. When I got to the inspector who handles checking the lights and emissions, I recognized him.  He’s been there forever. Many years at the Bancroft facility, and now here. Working a tough job in all kinds of weather, breathing in all those fumes. Always very professional and always has a kind word.  When I last went through two years ago, I got a chance to talk to him, and he’s had all kinds of health issues. Yet here he is, doing a great job.  When I think of why state employees deserve good pay, I think of him. I dare any of those reptilian Rethugs from Chateau Country to do his job for even one day.

Then, I was able to handle the entire transaction of getting the new registration and tag w/o leaving my car. Using the Jetsons technology.  Don’t think it took more than three minutes.

I almost look forward to going to DMV now. A wonderfully crafted customer-centric system and great workers. When you consider the range of issues and the range of clients they deal with, you just have to take your hat off to them.

Happy holidays to all the folks at DMV.

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