Saturday Open Thread [1.3.15]

Filed in National by on January 3, 2015

Senator Chris Coons will be on CBS’ Face the Nation tomorrow to discuss Ebola policy, as the Senator recently return from a trip to Liberia to check on the progress of the Ebola fight there.

James Fallows: “National office in the modern United States—the presidency, or a serious candidacy for it—requires a broader range of skills than any real human being has ever possessed… To succeed fully in national leadership a person would in principle need to be as shrewd a manipulator as Lyndon Johnson, as confidently patient a commander as Dwight Eisenhower, as quickly intelligent as John F. Kennedy; as publicly sunny as Ronald Reagan; as fundamentally sane as Gerald Ford — you get the idea.”

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Love Betty Bowers, especially “your going to hell”, “your going to Walmart”. Sums up social conservatives nicely.