Delaware Liberal

Jeff Christopher supporters now in full control of SCGOP

Frank Knotts’ summary of Sussex County Republican Committee elections is an obituary and a mea culpa from a reformed tea bagger. [Warning: The picture Knotts uses to illustrate his disgust is NSFL (not safe for lunch).]

Here is an excerpt of the text, but the whole sad thing is worth a read.

Tonight they elected as Chairman Vince Calabro, a man who openly supported a write-in candidate in the general election against the endorsed candidate. This is what the so-called “patriots” want for a chairman. They seek only to destroy the GOP.

I did not ask others to do that which I would not do myself, though my first instinct was not to put my name up for consideration. I was placed into an EDC position. For how long, who knows? I see no leadership in Vince Calabro, and his Vice-Chair Fred Silva, I see only revenge seeking because they were defeated in the elections that matter. Calabro worked hard for Jeff Christopher, and they lost, twice.

As we move forward I expect a purging in the committee, I take you back to one of Mr. Calabro’s planks in his platform, #7, “I will act to take any and all necessary measures that may be required to safeguard and protect the SCRP from malicious actions and entities attempting to undermine our objectives.”

That menacing plank isn’t directed at Democrats, or even hated liberals like myself. it is directed at the enemies of the revolution, like Frank Knotts, and other heretics who think Lacey Lafferty might not be the state’s best choice for Governor.

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