Delaware Liberal

Copeland’s murky response to Gov’s budget stops short of calling for tax hikes

Read the confusing response to Markell’s budget proposal from the out of touch billionaire running the DEGOP.

Governor Markell’s 2016 budget proposal is not a serious plan designed to help restore Delaware’s economy. It is nothing more than a shell game that will, ultimately, result in a request for increased taxes. What the Governor calls a ‘difficult’ budget is nothing of the sorts, and, in the case of farm land preservation, it violates state law.

I’m not sure what to make out of Copeland calling the budget a shell game. Copeland doesn’t seem to like the way Markell avoids raising taxes, because he wants to criticize him for raising taxes?

“The Governor spends a great deal of time talking about Delaware’s failing transportation infrastructure, yet he plans to once again raid the State’s Transportation Infrastructure Fund to cover his deficit. Either transportation infrastructure is or it is not important. He needs to make up his mind, and if it is, he needs to use the funds set aside to improve Delaware’s roads and bridges for their intended purpose.

Again… What is Copeland really asking for here? A gas tax for infrastructure? I sorta doubt it.

“In reality, what the Governor calls cuts to the subsidy that assists seniors with property taxes will only shift the burden back to school districts, causing new property tax increases for struggling Delaware families. At the end of the day, the Governor simply went through the motions today, and is going to make the legislators do the hard work.

What? Someone help me out with this part. Increasing money for schools means less money for schools? Charlie’s grand-pop would no doubt weep at his loose grasp of logic.

“It’s time for the Governor to act responsibly and put forth a plan that allows Delaware’s economy to expand and grow.”

Hmmm… Uh, Okay.

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