Archive for January, 2015

Saturday Open Thread [1.3.15]

Filed in National by on January 3, 2015 1 Comment
Saturday Open Thread [1.3.15]

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 3, 2015 15 Comments

Vice President Biden is delivering the Weekly Address today as President Obama is in Hawaii for his Christmas vacation.

Governor Markell:

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [1.3.15]

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 3, 2015 0 Comments

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Republicans Reintroduce the Medieval Era to America

Filed in National by on January 2, 2015 12 Comments
Republicans Reintroduce the Medieval Era to America

As their first initiative in 2015, the RNC has banned all remnants of the Enlightenment and declared the USA a collection of feudal fiefs. Let’s review the similarities of the middle ages to our contemporary America.

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Friday Open Thread [1.2.15]

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 2, 2015 7 Comments
Friday Open Thread [1.2.15]

Matt Taibbi on the news that the fascist police state loving NYPD has begun a work slowdown/stoppage:

“My first response to this news was confusion. I get why the police are protesting – they’re pissed at Mayor de Blasio, and more on that in a minute – but this sort of ‘protest’ pulls this story out of the standard left-right culture war script it had been following and into surreal territory.”

“I don’t know any police officer anywhere who would refuse to arrest a truly dangerous criminal as part of a PBA-led political gambit. So the essence of this protest seems now to be about trying to hit de Blasio where it hurts, i.e. in the budget, without actually endangering the public. So this police protest, unwittingly, is leading to the exposure of the very policies that anger so many different constituencies about modern law-enforcement tactics.”


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RIP, Mario Cuomo

Filed in National by on January 2, 2015 4 Comments

As you’ve likely heard, 3 time governor of NY Mario Cuomo died yesterday. Cuomo was one of the best voices for progressive politics in my lifetime, and a frustrating leader who couldn’t seem to commit to leading the charge to implement those politics — turning down opportunities to run for President and to be on the Supreme Court. Still, he was a brilliant speaker, providing some of the best defenses and descriptions of liberal politics ever:

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Friday Daily Delawhere [1.2.15]

Filed in National by on January 2, 2015 3 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [1.2.15]

The pics this week are from a quadcopter drone photographer downstate named “Sky Jack.” This picture is an overhead view, looking to the Northeast, of Cape Henlopen State Park.

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Happy New Year!!

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 1, 2015 3 Comments
Happy New Year!!

I hope everyone had a safe yet enjoyable evening last night. And now a New Year begins, and I am very optimistic about this year. On a personal and politic level, I have a feeling that this year will be a very good one. Use this as an Open Thread. I will be posting pictures of the Middletown Hummers Parade later, especially the politically themed hummers (and that doesn’t sound clean to me).

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New Years Day Daily Delawhere [1.1.15]

Filed in Delaware by on January 1, 2015 0 Comments
New Years Day Daily Delawhere [1.1.15]

The pics this week are from a quadcopter drone photographer downstate named “Sky Jack.” This picture is an overhead view of the new Indian River Inlet bridge.

Happy New Year!!!

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