Delaware Liberal

What does being a “Democrat” in 2015 actually mean anyway?

I think the root of my problem with the Democratic Party arises from the fact that “Democrat” mean something to me that it doesn’t mean to mainstream Democrats. In fact it is starting to dawn on me that I may be the one with a faulty, archaic, definition of Democrat.

And so I have to wonder, when John Carney says “I am a Democrat” what is he really saying? What does that word mean to him? If Tom Carper was asked, “What does being a Democrat mean to you?” what would he say? What would he say if injected with sodium pentothal?

What if we asked all the Democrats in the state, voters along with the 200,000 abstainers, what being a Democrat means? Would we get a consensus? Would my definition be closer to the average definition than John Carney’s when under the influence of truth serum?

How would I phrase that question and distribute it for the maximum number of responses?

Dear ___________,

You have chosen “Democrat” as your party affiliation on record with the Department of Elections. Please help with this study by replying to this one question survey.

As concisely as possible, in your own words, please complete the sentence below.

To me, being a Democrat means…

Thank you in advance for your help.

Does anyone know where I might get my hands on some sodium pentothal?

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