Delaware Liberal

Comment Rescue: Jason330’s Step By Step Plan For Dems Not Voting

On the post “What does being a “Democrat” in 2015 actually mean anyway?” Jason330 lays out a plan. I started to respond in the comments, but realized I couldn’t possibly list all the ways 100% enacting the Republican agenda would take shape. So, I’m turning to our commenters for help creating the list. First, let’s look at the Jason’s comment:

Jason330 says:

Agreed. A press would be nice. And yes, it is going to be tough medicine for everybody (mostly, as you and Cassandra point out the least well off among us) but at this point I’m a political nihilist. This so-called two party shit mess has to be reduced to splinters. Here is my step by step.

1) GOP takes everything. White House, Congress, Courts, State Governments, School boards. With just a couple of Dem show ponies hanging on to keep the hoax of bi-partisanship alive. [Don’t gasp… With Citizens United and the Democratic Party we have now, this is inevitable, so I’m just saying hurry up and get here.]

2) The country wakes up to what a fucking disaster it is in.

3) The pretend Democratic Party we have now is swept away.

4) Something better replaces it.

So, if the GOP takes everything (and he pretty much covers everything) what would that look like?

Here’s a few things off the top of my head:

1. Massive deregulation of everything – food, medicine, safety, no minimum wage

2. Privatization of everything – schools, social security, post office

3. Discrimination permitted, and encouraged

4. Forced birth and no birth control

5. While they control everything they also get to write laws (at every level of government) that would make it extremely difficult to overturn what they’ve done. Add to that… they’ll have stacked the Supreme Court to uphold these laws no matter if Dem’s eventually come back into power. Electing Progressive Dems will not be enough to undo the damage.

6. Gay Marriage… gone – complete with laws defining marriage as between one man and one woman, which the Conservative Court will uphold.

7. Christianity established as the official religion – religion in our public schools, work places, government buildings

8. And they won’t need to worry about Dems taking any elected office since the new voting laws they pass will make it almost impossible and difficult for Ds to vote.

I dashed those off the top of my head. Add more in the comments – because there are a lot more. Like having to tug your forelock and/or curtsy when in the presence of the 1%.

And I do understand Jason’s frustration. I just don’t think his plan will turn out the way he thinks.

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