Round up of the most wingnutty defenses of Opalinski from the NJ’s FB

Filed in National by on February 20, 2015

The wingnut consensus is that breaking laws related to guns is not a crime, and even if it was a crime, Democrats do crimes too, so…

“This man, who dots every I and crosses every T, is being hung out to dry by fellow Delawareans. But looking at the simple overreach of Federal Government. This has been and always will be a witch hunt for anyone who is out spoken against any suppressive administration. DuPont rapes Children, violates court orders, but won’t fair well in prison.”

“And Hunter Biden gets a job with a Ukrainian gas company and we hear nothing about that.”

“This is political retaliation.”

“Mr. Opaliski is outspoken and could very well be a target because of that.”

“And the beat goes on …..(The News Journal) Prints nothing neg about the Obama admistrations..”

“Sounds like a witch hunt. Obviously the guns weren’t used in a crime. How did the law even find this stuff out??”

“Meanwhile, the little gangbangers in Wilmington shoot up the entire city, nope, no problem there.”

“I’m more worried about Jack Markell flaunting Islam as peaceful thru their kids whom are learning how to behead and lie to survive!!!”

“Selling ,buying or giving away firearms is not a crime under the 2 amendment. Get over yourselves you worthless liberals.”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Scut Farkas says:

    Can anyone explain why the comment sections of media websites are infested with right-wing types?

  2. Cletus says:

    the same right wing types who bash the newspapers and media outlets as liberal leaning muslim loving sympathizers, no?

  3. Calvin sparks says:

    None of this is shocking. He is a right wing gun activist, so how would one expect him to behave. His supporters,of course they will claim he is breaking an injust law or its a conspiracy theory.

  4. Robberbaron says:

    If we are not to judge all muslims by the actions of a few, can we not have the same courtesy extended to gun owners?

  5. By and large, the same people who judge Muslims by the actions of a few are the same people who will never publicly criticize heavily-armed wingnuts.

    While many Muslims call for peace and criticize violence by terrorists of their faith, I have yet to see an NRA Second Amendment guy decry any gun violence or violations committed by members of their flock.

  6. Geezer says:

    “Can anyone explain why the comment sections of media websites are infested with right-wing types?”

    The fight for freedom never ends? Or maybe it’s just they don’t have any friends.

  7. Geezer says:

    “If we are not to judge all muslims by the actions of a few, can we not have the same courtesy extended to gun owners?”

    Absolutely. I’ll stop judging gun owners the second after they stop judging people who don’t share their fears and obsessions.

  8. RobberBaron says:

    “Absolutely. I’ll stop judging gun owners the second after they stop judging people who don’t share their fears and obsessions.”

    Total non sequitur. My original point was the libs seem to love the Muslim religion and are willing to forgive the radicals, even though they butcher Christians, Jews, women and children on a daily basis, but point to the law abiding gun owner as the problem, forgetting that the overwhelming majority of legal gun owners only want to be left alone and not harassed. I, for one, am not fearful and am not obsessive.

  9. jason330 says:

    “…the libs seem to love the Muslim religion…” Stop embarrassing yourself.

  10. Robberbaron says:

    Are you saying you don’t love the Muslims? If not, call them out for what some of their members are responsible for. I don’t know any Presbyterians or Hindus that shout “Allahu Akbar” as they murder innocent victims. Just say that there is a radical, fringe group of Muslims that do not represent the vast majority of their religion. I doubt you will as you find people who believe in the Constitution to be more of a threat to you.

  11. Steve Newton says:

    @robberbaron: I don’t know any Presbyterians or Hindus that shout “Allahu Akbar” as they murder innocent victims.

    Just because you’re ignorant doesn’t mean everybody else is.

  12. Robberbaron wrote:

    “My original point was the libs seem to love the Muslim religion and are willing to forgive the radicals, even though they butcher Christians, Jews, women and children on a daily basis, but point to the law abiding gun owner as the problem, forgetting that the overwhelming majority of legal gun owners only want to be left alone and not harassed. I, for one, am not fearful and am not obsessive.”

    Seriously, dude, you’re nuts. No sense in denying the obvious.

  13. Geezer says:

    I don’t know that the abortion-doctor-killers invoke any religion, unless you count 2nd Amendment worship as a religion.

  14. cassandra_m says:

    Army of God

    Born again Christian terrorist Scott Roeder murdered Dr. George Tiller because Roeder thought that abortion was a sin that justified that killing. And before Roeder — there was Shelly Shannon who shot Tiler (wounding him) and also was responsible for arson at some abortion clinics.

    And how about the Lambs of Christ? The man who assassinated Dr. Barnett Slepian in NY was a member.

    That’s just off the top of my head — the entire violent movement against abortion doctors and clinics is sourced from a variety of Christian terrorist groups, groups that don’t mind getting into court telling juries that they are defending the word of God.

  15. Geezer says:

    There’s a whole legion on them, which should tell you all you need to know about the ability of religion — except, possibly, the Baha’i — to tip some people from righteous behavior to self-righteous violence.

  16. cassandra_m says:

    Which is a fair piece from abortion doctor killers not invoking religion. Still, even for them, the violence isn’t a function of the religion, it is a function of murderous or totalitarian impulses that use religion to explain their violence and illegality.

  17. jason330 says:

    Excellent point

  18. Geezer says:

    It was a poke at a 2nd Amendment nut, not court testimony. Lighten up, Francis.

  19. Aoine says:

    wasn’t Timothy McVeigh a white Christian????

    he murdered 268 people, 19 of them innocent children…….

    and the Hurtagh Militia recently arrested…….

    oh!! David Koresch of Waco fame – another Christian

    and Jim Jones in Guyana – another Christian….hmmmmm seems Christians murder quite a few in the name of God as well.

  20. Robberbaron says:

    No swords, no cameras and no Allahu Akbar.

  21. cassandra_m says:

    But still Christian terrorists.

  22. Robberbaron says:

    But not in the name of Jesus Christ.

  23. cassandra_m says:

    Oh yes. Most certainly yes.

    Christmas Bombings of Pensacola clinics a gift to Jesus on his birthday.

    All of the links I provided show Christian terrorists killing in the name of Jesus or in the name of God.

  24. Steve Newton says:

    Time to stop feeding this particular troll.

  25. Aoine says:

    I could not resist:

    murder of 8,ooo Muslims, mostly men, all refugees by….. gasp!! Christians

    1995….. not too far away

    including beheadings….

    testimony of Zumra Šehomerovic:
    “I saw yet more frightful things. For example, there was a girl, she must have been about nine years old. At a certain moment some Chetniks recommended to her brother that he rape the girl. He did not do it and I also think that he could not have done it for he was still just a child. Then they murdered that young boy. I have personally seen all that. I really want to emphasize that all this happened in the immediate vicinity of the base. In the same way I also saw other people who were murdered. Some of them had their throats cut. Others were beheaded.[63]”

    So be an apologist all you want for the Christians, who cares about cameras and video murder in the name or your God or your religion is still murder.
    you clearly don’t know your history – recent tho’ it is……