Pew Research shows that the GOP has a huge millennial voter problem. The young people, yeah, they no likely the Republicans.
Now this is what I call Karma, from Talking Points Memo:
Former Arizona county sheriff Richard Mack, a fierce opponent of Obamacare and a leader in the “constitutional sheriff” movement, is struggling to pay his medical bills after he and his wife each faced serious illnesses. The former sheriff and his wife do not have health insurance and started a GoFundMe campaign to solicit donations from family and friends to cover the costs of their medical care.
“Because they are self-employed, they have no medical insurance and are in desperate need of our assistance,” reads a note on Mack’s personal website.
Mack, the founder of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, suffered a heart attack in January and is in recovery. His wife fell ill late last year. Mack is on the board of Oath Keepers, a right-wing fringe group made up of police and military veterans, and is known for supporting Cliven Bundy in his standoff against the federal government. He is also an ardent opponent of Obamacare.
Pssst… buddy… come here… hey, I got a secret for ya…. there is this new government program that can help you out…
“Hillary Clinton and her close advisers are telling Democratic donors that she will enter the presidential race sooner than expected, likely in April, a move that would allay uncertainties within her party and allow her to rev up fundraising. Clinton aides have spoken of the earlier timetable in private meetings, according to people engaged in recent discussions about the presumed Democratic front-runner’s emerging 2016 campaign. Many within her camp have advocated her staying out of the fray until the summer.”
Oh my God! First, the original plan was to announce in the spring. Then there was some discussion that it might not be necessary and she could wait until the summer. Then some annoying Democratic consultants and nervous donors started complaining about that summer launch prospect, so now that the launch is back to the Spring (which is when April is), it is now “earlier than expected.”
God I hate the media.
The Washington Post is reporting that House Republican leaders “will face a familiar dilemma this week when they try again to approve funding to keep the Department of Homeland Security functioning through the end of September: They know their party is too divided to resolve the crisis on its own but fear the political fallout if they rely on Democrats to get them out of the jam.”
The Democrats shouldn’t help them, especially if there is no clean bill for a full year as was promised by Speaker Boehner late Friday night in exchange for Democratic votes then. No clean full year bill, then no Democratic votes. So no Democratic votes on a three week or two week or one week extensions.
Finally a Republican is saying no to a presidential bid in 2016. Tom LoBianco: “It will be at least two months until he announces it, but Gov. Mike Pence appears to have his sights set on a 2016 re-election bid [for Govenro], not a run at the White House.”
A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey finds 48% of American voters think that Republican lawmakers should not have invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to a joint session of Congress without first notifying President Barack Obama.
The Hill reports that “Republican fears are mounting over a Supreme Court case that the party has long hailed as its best chance to undo Obamacare.”
“The Supreme Court will hear arguments Wednesday on a GOP-backed case that threatens to erase healthcare subsidies for 8 million people. The vast stakes are raising alarm among Republicans, particularly in the Senate, who increasingly fear a backlash at the polls if their party can’t find a fix.”
They should worry.