Delaware Liberal

The New York Daily News Calls McConnell, Cotton, Cruz and Paul Traitors

Sounds about right.

As the Daily News reported, the four lawmakers were among 47 Senate Republicans who argued in an open letter to Iranian leaders that any agreement they may strike would not last beyond President Barack Obama’s administration.

“We will consider any agreement regarding your nuclear-weapons program that is not approved by the Congress as nothing more than an executive agreement,” the letter stated.

The Daily Banter and other outlets noted that the letter could be considered a violation of the Logan Act, which prohibits U.S. Citizens from starting or engaging in “any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof” for the purpose of interfering with a foreign policy negotiation.

“This letter is neither advice, nor consent,” The Banter’s Tommy Christopher wrote. “It’s directly addressed to leaders of a foreign government presently involved in talks with the U.S., and it is designed to thwart those talks. Unless the senators were authorized by the president to address Iran’s leaders in this letter, a case can be made that 47 U.S. senators just violated a federal law that carries a prison term of up to three years.”

Remember when you weren’t allowed to put forth the mildest criticism of a Republican President when he was on foreign soil lest your patriotism be questioned? Oh, the good old days. Personally, I think it’s time to throw these traitors in jail, or, at the very least, kick them out of congress. They are unfit to serve. Republicans go on and on about the Constitution and American Exceptionalism and then prove they believe in neither. Their loyalty towards their country is conditional.

I’ll say that again, their loyalty towards their country is conditional. Let that sink in. They are only patriots when they get their way, and if they don’t they’ll burn the country down. These toddlers are in desperate need of a time out. Actually, toddlers behave better. Republicans are a complete disgrace.

Here’s the front page of the New York Daily News:

Yep, that about sums this group up.

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