Howard High School of Technology, on Poplar Street in Wilmington. The high school was built in 1928 on Poplar Street and named after general Oliver Otis Howard. The school was the first secondary school for African Americans in the state of Delaware, set up in 1867. Howard High School was one of the 5 schools nationwide that was the subject of the 1954 “Brown vs. Board of Education” case that overturned the “separate but equal” clause and mandated desegregation. Previously, Blacks were bused to all-Black Howard High School, and could not attend all-White Claymont High School in nearby Claymont. This site is also famous because it was built on a set of rowhouses, one of which was the birthplace and home of Clifford Brown, considered to be one of the best jazz trumpters to live and one of the most influential people in jazz. Photo by xzmattzx.