Delaware Liberal

The enemy of my President is my friend

Using the morally dubious axiom above, the Republicans have reached out to Iran in order to try and give their enemy, Barack Obama, a black eye. Enough has been written already about how this is effed up – but let me add something that I heard a lot when Bush was in office, but haven’t heard discussed yet in relation to the “treasonous” 47.

It is a little something called – respecting the office of the presidency, you fuck-wits.

How many times did I hear that gem when Bush was rolling out fuckup after fuckup? Countless times. It was as if Republicans felt that there was a dignity to the office and to our system of government, and that dignity was being attacked when I pointed out Bush’s obvious flaws and fuck ups.

Well, “respecting the office” has certainly fallen on hard times. It has been years since I’ve heard anyone suggest that it was even possible for criticism of a sitting President to cross an imaginary line of decorum and propriety. But now, it actually seems like the GOP has gone too far. Like racists SAE members on a bus trip, the radical Obama haters have shown their true selves.

I will relish this moment, because I realize it is fleeting. Soon enough John Carney and Tom Carper will be on stage, or in print saying that Republicans are reasonable the trustworthy partners in governing. The press will return to its uncritical and shambolic false equivalencies and in the long run the Sunday morning shows will declare that bipartisanship rules resplendent once more.

But for now, I smile. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t all in my mind. Republicans and modern Republicanism is corrupt to the core, and everyone can plainly see it.

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