Delaware Liberal

Monday Open Thread [3.16.15]

We are definitely going to miss the Obamas when they leave. Both Barack and Michelle.

The Washington Post reports that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has “warned supporters at a rally here Sunday that he and his Likud party may not win Tuesday’s election, a potentially dramatic fall for a consummate political survivor whose nine years in office transformed him into the public face of contemporary Israel.”

Good. I hope his political career is destroyed and he never again appears in public or in any policy debate of any kind, whether in Israel or in America. He is a man of Evil.

Secretary of State John Kerry told CBS News, when asked, that he had no intention of apologizing to Iran for the unconstitutional and treasonous actions of a stupid Republican.

“Not on your life. I’m not going to apologize for an unconstitutional, unthought-out action by somebody who has been in the United States Senate for 60-some days. That’s just inappropriate,” Kerry responded, referencing freshman Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), who organized Senate Republicans to send the letter. “I will explain very clearly that Congress does not have the right to change an executive agreement.”

Kerry said he wasn’t sure yet whether the letter would have any impact on the nuclear negotiations with Iran, but he said the letter was meant to be destructive.

“This letter was absolutely calculated directly to interfere with these negotiations. It specifically inserts itself directly to the leader of another country, saying ‘Don’t negotiate with these guys, because we’re going to change this.’ Which, by the way, is not only contrary to Constitution with respect to the executive’s right to negotiate, but is incorrect, because they cannot change an executive agreement,” he said. “That is unprecedented.

Politico: “Three months into the expanded Republican majorities on the Hill, White House aides see a landscape in which President Barack Obama is more in charge now than he was before the midterms. Rather than moving forward on their own priorities as Republican leaders promised after their midterm sweep, the House and Senate find themselves reacting to Obama.”

A review by the Washington Post has found that former Florida Governor Jeb Bush “used his private e-mail account as Florida governor to discuss security and military issues such as troop deployments to the Middle East and the protection of nuclear plants… The e-mails include two series of exchanges involving details of Florida National Guard troop deployments after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.” I wonder if the Beltway Press will go into the same feeding frenzy, and I wonder if Congress will launch multiple investigations. IOKIYAR. And if you are a man.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told CNN that he plans to hold hostage the nomination of Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch until such time as Democrats capitulate on the Human Trafficking Bill.

Said McConnell: “This will have an impact on the timing of considering a new attorney general. I had hoped to turn to her next week, but if we can’t finish the trafficking bill, she will be put off again.”

“Democrats are now holding up the trafficking bill, which glided through the judiciary committee, after they noticed an abortion provision embedded in the bill that would prevent victims of human trafficking from using restitution funds to pay for an abortion.”

Fine. All business in the Senate will now end until such time as the Republicans remove this anti-choice poison pill amendment from the bill. No other business can be considered. Eric Holder has no problems staying on as Attorney General, so that is not a concern.

Yes, Mitch, we just shot your fucking hostage and took one of our own: your entire Senate. And go fuck yourself.

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