Delaware Liberal

What Am I Doing Today? Getting Ready For The Walking Dead Season Finale

When The Walking Dead first aired I didn’t pay much attention. Hello? Zombies aren’t really my thing. I was a Game of Thrones addict. Loved Dexter. Orange Is The New Black is sooo good. Rome is still one of the best series I’ve seen. Everyone on House of Cards is scarier than TWD zombies. Sherlock is one of the most perfect, amazing, wonderful series EVER. (If you haven’t watched Sherlock I strongly suggest you do.)

I started watching The Walking Dead (TWD) with my son as a sorta mother-son bonding thing. He liked all things zombie and I’ll admit to rolling my eyes when he suggested we start the series on Netflix. Now, I can’t get enough. This series draws you in. So much so that I’m writing about tonight’s season finale.

If you’re not interested in TWD, I understand. But if you are, share your thoughts, hopes, dreams in the comments!

Note: I have not read the comics. Everything written below is just me guessing.

I’m not sure what to expect tonight, but will confess that I have envisioned everyone’s possible death – except Rick and Carl’s. They are safe. I think Glenn is safe, but I’m worried about Maggie. I’m also extremely concerned for Carol – one of the most amazing, smartest, toughest characters on TWD – because I can see Pete (wife abuser) killing her (former abused spouse). Oh, the irony.

Is Daryl (Love him!) safe tonight? Not sure. I can picture him living and dying. I would really miss him and the group would be significantly weakened by the loss of his skills.

Michonne? (Another one of my all-time favorites) The scene where she literally hung up her sword doesn’t bode well.

Sasha has been suffering from PTSD. I could see the zombie hunter being taken out by a zombie.

Tara: Could she not survive the head injury? Just die without waking up? If that happens my bet is that it happens early in the finale and sets the tone. It would not only further show the recklessness and incompetence of Alexandria, it would fuel our groups anger with the loss of one of their own. Preventable deaths are grounds for a death sentence in TWD.

Abraham: I like Abraham, but I’m not emotionally attached to him for some reason. That might be why I can envision his death. It wouldn’t be a tearjerker for me.

Eugene: I can see him getting killed off doing something heroic or cowardly. His character is evolving.

Rosita: This character hasn’t been given enough screen time. I don’t know much about her story (altho, given the last discussion on DL about TWD it’s entirely possible I missed it!). Guess I’m saying she’s expendable. Ouch! It’s a shame since last week’s scene in the woods with Michonne and Sasha was really good.

Father Gabriel: Since everyone wants him to die, he’ll probably live.

Have I missed anyone from the main group? Oh, Judith. Will they kill the baby? Could Rick ever recover from that. He’s hanging on by a thread as it is. So, I’m guessing Judith lives.

As far as the Alexandria inhabitants go… everyone except Deanna and Aaron are fair game. I think these two characters will be safe. For now… Bwhahaha! Not sure about Enid mainly because who she is and why she’s there hasn’t been addressed. I think we’ll find out her story tonight, and that will probably determine her fate.

As I write this I’m thinking I spend too much time thinking about The Walking Dead. But, in my defense, the show does make you think about situational humanity, morality and ethics and how they change given specific circumstances. In the beginning you think Rick is the good, moral guy and that Shane is the bad guy who has no heart. In the last episode Rick says exactly what Shane said – he has become Shane and adopted Shane’s philosophy and we all now agree. Shane was right. It just took Rick, and the rest of us, longer to see the truth.


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