Archive for March, 2015

The Vote Tracker for March 2, 2015

Filed in Delaware by on March 2, 2015 0 Comments
The Vote Tracker for March 2, 2015

The General Assembly has been out on recess for most of this month to allow for budget hearings and the like. In the next two weeks, action will be ramping back up in Dover. And that includes Rep. Earl Jaques reintroducing his legislation from last session allowing for no-excuse absentee voting.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [3.2.15]

Filed in Delaware by on March 2, 2015 1 Comment
Monday Daily Delawhere [3.2.15]

Pierce du Pont House in Winter, by the Flying Inn, on Flickr.

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Reverend Kilroy Delivers A Sunday Sermon

Filed in Delaware by on March 1, 2015 4 Comments
Reverend Kilroy Delivers A Sunday Sermon

Last week my phone started ringing and emails/texts poured in. Almost everyone began with: “Have you heard?” Why no, no I hadn’t heard. Today Kilroy puts up a post addressing what’s going on. Go read the post.

Those who sit at the right and left hand of the Red Clay God (Merv) better take a hard look in the mirror. Though school superintendents make many request for school board approval it is the school board who makes the final approval with no veto power on the super’s part. In the big picture the super’s failures are the board’s failures. […]

I am dishearten to hear (rumor of course) some board members want to throw Merv overboard midstream (before the end of his contract). Those who think Merv may be the problem are just as much the problem.

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Weekend Open Thread [3.1.15]

Filed in National by on March 1, 2015 0 Comments
Weekend Open Thread [3.1.15]

So it would seem that, in order to get Democratic votes to extend funding of the Department of Homeland Security for another week, Speaker John Boehner had to promise that a vote would be held on a clean bill to fund the department for the rest of the year during this coming week. He is denying it now, but the proof is in the pudding, and if a clean vote happens next week, Politico reports many of Boehner’s allies “are concerned […] that his critics inside the Republican Conference may try to oust him as speaker if — as expected — he puts a long-term DHS funding bill on the House floor next week. While Boehner shrugs off such speculation, close friends believe such a move is a real possibility.” Said one GOP lawmaker close to Boehner: “There is a lot of speculation about this. People are watching for this very, very closely.”

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [3.1.15]

Filed in Delaware by on March 1, 2015 1 Comment
Sunday Daily Delawhere [3.1.15]

Wilmington, by Steve Ives, on Flickr.

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