Archive for March, 2015

Friday Daily Delawhere [3.13.15]

Filed in Delaware by on March 13, 2015 0 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [3.13.15]

The Tatnall House, on Market Street in Wilmington’s Brandywine Village. The house was built in 1770, and was once the headquarters for Revolutionary War general Anthony Wayne. George Washington held council in the house, as well. The house was altered in the 1840s. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Warning: “Choreplay” Isn’t A Cute Phrase, So Don’t Use It. Really, Just Don’t

Filed in National by on March 12, 2015 26 Comments
Warning: “Choreplay” Isn’t A Cute Phrase, So Don’t Use It. Really, Just Don’t

Even as a stay-at-home mom who handles almost all the household work, the term “choreplay” irritates me. Haven’t heard it yet? Well, here’s what it means: Men can get more sex if they do chores around the house.

This NYT article makes a lot of good points, including the part about fathers and women’s voices in business. (Note to beer and car manufacturers: I’m the one who buys most of the beer in our household. I don’t drink beer, but I buy it for my husband since I’m the one who runs most of the errands. I’m also part of the car buying decision. So if your ad is sexist and I don’t like it, I won’t buy your product. Perhaps, you should cater to me, too. I swear, when I watch some of these commercials I know there aren’t women, in positions of power, making decisions, because half this nonsense would never be aired if there were.)

But here’s where the NYT’s article goes off the rails…..

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Thursday Open Thread [3.12.15]

Filed in National by on March 12, 2015 9 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [3.12.15]

Republican senator and presidential hopeful Lindsey Graham (he can’t be actually running, this is a joke, right?) said in Concord, New Hampshire yesterday that his first act of business as President is to deploy the United States Military to Washington, DC to surround Capital Hill and the Capital Building and force the House of Representatives and the Senate to pass his overly inflated military budget that does away with sequestration.

Heil Hitler!!! Er ah, I mean Heil President Graham! You sir truly are a dictator. Or at least you want to be. You see Republicans, that is what a dictator would look like. You say Obama is a dictator? LOL, no. Actually deploying the military on US Soil (which is an impeachable crime itself under the Posse Comitatus act) to force Congress to pass your agenda. That’s a armed coup d’etat.

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Is Jack Markell Fighting His Ongoing War Against State Employees By Himself?

Filed in Delaware by on March 12, 2015 26 Comments
Is Jack Markell Fighting His Ongoing War Against State Employees By Himself?

8-ball sez: Signs point to ‘yes’. From 2008 to today, Governor Jack Markell has never, repeat, never, proposed a raise for state employees and retirees. He has, on several occasions, proposed shifting costs from the state onto the workers and retirees. Jack Markell is a putative Democrat.  When it comes to who gets rewarded and […]

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [3.12.15]

Filed in National by on March 12, 2015 0 Comments
Thursday Daily Delawhere [3.12.15]

The Marcus Hook Rear Range Lighthouse, on Lighthouse Road in Edgemoor. The lighthouse was commissioned in 1915 to serve the southbound channel of the Delaware River. The current tower was built in 1920, with the light sitting 278 feet above the river. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Chris Coons votes for GOP abortion restrictions slipped into unrelated bill – still thinks Republicans are trustworthy partners

Filed in National by on March 11, 2015 4 Comments
Chris Coons votes for GOP abortion restrictions slipped into unrelated bill – still thinks Republicans are trustworthy partners

WASHINGTON — Senate Republican quietly added language to an anti-human-trafficking bill that would expand longstanding Hyde Amendment limitations on the use of federal funds for abortion. It would impose abortion restrictions, without a time limit, on how the government can use a new stream of revenues collected from perpetrators of human trafficking as part of […]

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The enemy of my President is my friend

Filed in National by on March 11, 2015 10 Comments
The enemy of my President is my friend

Using that morally dubious axiom above, the Republicans have reached out to Iran in order to try and give their enemy, Barack Obama, a black eye. Enough has been written already about how this is effed up – but let me add something that I heard a lot when Bush was in office, but haven’t heard discussed yet in relation to the “treasonous” 47.

It is a little something called – respecting the office of the presidency, you fuck-wits.

How many …

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Wednesday Open Thread [3.11.15]

Filed in National by on March 11, 2015 5 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [3.11.15]

“The U.S. Senate Historian’s Office has so far been unable to find another example in the chamber’s history where one political party openly tried to deal with a foreign power against a presidential policy, as Republicans have attempted in their open letter to Iran this week,” McClatchy reports.

That is because the letter is an act of unmitigated treason, designed to aid America’s adversary, Iran, and directly harm the United States. All those involved in the preparation, signing, and delivery of the letter must be detained.

One of the racist fucks at the SAE Fraternity at the University of Oklahoma has apologized. That’s nice. I would take that apology and burn it up right in front of him. Because who the hell cares if he is sorry? We are still going to destroy your life. Why? Because you are a racist. If you are a racist, you must be destroyed, no matter your latter regret. Racism must be made so forbidden that not only do you not say the racism you are thinking for fear that you will be destroyed, but you do not think it either.

If you notice that I am more strident than usual today in some of my opinions, blame the Philadelphia Eagles.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [3.11.15]

Filed in Delaware by on March 11, 2015 6 Comments
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [3.11.15]

Doorsteps along The Strand in New Castle. Many of the houses on the south side of The Strand were built in 1824, following a fire that wiped out almost the entire block. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Tuesday Open Thread [3.10.15]

Filed in National by on March 10, 2015 14 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [3.10.15]

Michael Tomasky describes President Obama’s speech at the 50th anniversary commemoration of the Selma to Montgomery March for Voting Rights: “It was the strongest statement about the liberal definition of patriotism I’ve ever heard a president deliver. It was also confrontational and challenging–an unapologetic manifesto for the values of blue America.” Abso-damn-lutely. It will go down in history as perhaps his greatest Presidential speech, and perhaps the greatest presidential speech since Kennedy’s inaugural.

That’s something we don’t hear a lot about, the values of blue America. No, it isn’t because we don’t have them. It’s that we don’t parade them in the public square quite as much as conservatives do, while conservatives aren’t exactly shy about caricaturing in public their version of liberal values (we love sodomy and baby-killing and so on).

But there are liberal values. Some, we all know about–tolerance, diversity, etc. But another central one has to do with the way in which liberals love our country, and it goes like this: Yes, of course this is a great country. But it is change that has made it so. It’s a country that was founded on the highest ideals of the day, many of which are eternal, but it was also a country where ownership of human beings of a certain race was legal. So no, it wasn’t so great. It had to be made great. And by the way it’s not really as great as it should be yet. That’s a process that, the human condition being what it is, will never have an end.

Tomasky says Obama defines those who are the truest Americans: “the protesters, the outsiders, and the agitators who read the words of the founding texts and forced the system to live up to them.”

What greater expression of faith in the American experiment than this; what greater form of patriotism is there; than the belief that America is not yet finished, that we are strong enough to be self-critical, that each successive generation can look upon our imperfections and decide that it is in our power to remake this nation to more closely align with our highest ideals?…That’s America!”

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The New York Daily News Calls McConnell, Cotton, Cruz and Paul Traitors

Filed in National by on March 10, 2015 42 Comments
The New York Daily News Calls McConnell, Cotton, Cruz and Paul Traitors

Sounds about right. As the Daily News reported, the four lawmakers were among 47 Senate Republicans who argued in an open letter to Iranian leaders that any agreement they may strike would not last beyond President Barack Obama’s administration. “We will consider any agreement regarding your nuclear-weapons program that is not approved by the Congress […]

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [3.10.15]

Filed in Delaware by on March 10, 2015 0 Comments
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [3.10.15]

Howard High School of Technology, on Poplar Street in Wilmington. The high school was built in 1928 on Poplar Street and named after general Oliver Otis Howard. The school was the first secondary school for African Americans in the state of Delaware, set up in 1867. Howard High School was one of the 5 schools […]

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Monday Daily Delawhere [3.9.15]

Filed in Delaware by on March 9, 2015 1 Comment
Monday Daily Delawhere [3.9.15]

Warmer times at Rehoboth Beach, by verplanck on Flickr.

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