Delaware Liberal

George “I Hate the Gays” Parrish to run for Insurance Commissioner

Sussex County’s former Clerk of the Peace, George Parrish, is running for state insurance commissioner as a Republican. From WDEL:

Parish said he wants to send a message to the state insurance commissioner’s office that the “status quo must go.” “Right now, we have one of the highest health insurance premium rates in the United States of America–that is wrong; we have one of the highest (rates) in terms of auto insurance,” Parish said.

Parish said, if elected in 2016, he’ll challenge questionable contracts, support term limits, and restructure the office, which is currently held by Karen Weldin Stewart. “The Department of Insurance is the largest consumer protection agency in the state of Delaware, and we want to make some wholesale changes; we think it’s time to inspire public trust by challenging corruption.”

The last we heard of this theocratic idiot was when he announced that he would perform civil union ceremonies even though he believed they were discriminatory towards heterosexuals somehow. Here is what he said back then:

“As I have reviewed all my legal options, administrative options and political options, I have determined that I took an oath in support of the Constitution and the rule of law should prevail,” said Parish, who lives in Long Neck. “It’s because of that and because if I were to resign, liberal Gov. Jack Markell would have the opportunity to appoint a potential liberal to succeed me and that’s unacceptable to George Parish because Sussex County voters should be the source of deciding and electing the next clerk of the peace of Sussex County.” […]

Parish favors a constitutional amendment that would define marriage in Delaware as between a man and a woman. He believes the question of same-sex civil unions should be put to a vote in Delaware, as some states do with referendum or initiative questions.

He believes Delaware’s new law is discriminatory against heterosexuals. While it provides same-sex couples the same protections and benefits of married couples, it does not extend to heterosexual couples who do not wish to be married. Delaware’s civil-unions law allows those who object for religious reasons not to perform the ceremonies. And some public officials in other states where civil unions or same-sex marriage are legal have sidestepped the requirements of their government position by finding a deputy to perform the ceremonies in their place.

So now the 74 year old former Clerk of Peace wants to be Insurance Commissioner. Hey, I want a change at that position too. I just don’t want an old bigot who likely opposes Obamacare to be that change.

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