Delaware Liberal

Monday Open Thread [4.27.15]

Obama has been the funniest, most humorous President in history. We are going to miss that.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) is introducing legislation to expand online voter registration, which would allow all eligible voters across the country to register online. This is a great idea that will never see the light of day in a Republican Congress, because, Republicans do not want you to vote, so they are not inclined to make it easier for you or anyone to register to vote.

New York Times: “Rick Santorum said he would never attend a same-sex wedding. Marco Rubio said he might attend one. Scott Walker actually went to a same-sex wedding reception, not to be confused with an actual same-sex wedding ceremony. Ted Cruz said he is firmly opposed to gay marriage, but would be comfortable if his daughter were gay. Republican presidential candidates are struggling to adjust to a rapidly changing legal, political and cultural landscape this primary season, as the Supreme Court prepares to hear arguments Tuesday on whether same-sex marriage is a constitutionally protected right.”

You cannot be against gay marriage and win the Presidency in this country. Period. That is how far we have come in this country. Republicans really have to pray the Supreme Court rules for marriage equality come June. Because if not, they will be caught up in the backlash.

“Today’s Democratic Party has decided there is no room for Christians. There is a liberal fascism that is going after Christian believers.” — Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), quoted by The Hill.

LOL. I am Christian, Mr. Cruz. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ never said a damn thing about hating gays. He preached and taught and lived the example of compassion for the needy, the hundry, the sick, the elderly, and the poor. Jesus Christ was and is a liberal. So if you are a true Christian, a follower of Christ, you have a natural and welcome home in the Democratic Party.

If you a hate filled bigoted piece of shit who thinks your right to discriminate is superior to all other human rights just because a null and void Old Testament book says so, then yes, there is no room for you in the Democratic Party or in government or in society. We will actively seek to destroy you, and we do so in defense of those you would seek to oppress and sent away to concentration camps if you had your way.

Sen. Marco Rubio and other foes of a nuclear deal with Iran “are readying several poison-pill amendments — some of which could have broad appeal — aimed at unraveling the bipartisan compromise endorsed by President Obama,” Politico reports.

“The compromise legislation, which would allow Congress to review a nuclear accord and potentially reject it, has already survived one test, passing committee on a surprising 19-0 vote after sponsor Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) offered concessions to Democrats. But opponents say the administration has been too soft on Tehran, and they’re prepping another salvo that could scuttle the measure when it hits the floor this week.”

Well, the poison pill would kill Corker’s bill. It would not kill the Iranian Deal. Meanwhile, a new Quinnipiac poll finds American voters support the preliminary agreement with Iran to restrict that country’s nuclear program by a wide margin, 58% to 33%.

“In back-to-back interviews over the past 24 hours, conservative author Peter Schweizer admits he doesn’t have direct evidence that Hillary Clinton intervened to assist individuals and entities because they donated large sums of money to the Clinton Foundation,” NBC News reports.

“No, we don’t have direct evidence. But it warrants further investigation because, again… this is part of the broader pattern. You either have to come to the conclusion that these are all coincidences or something else is afoot.”

I am amazed that the New York Times, and a lot of other media, got duped by this guy. And I am pissed that I did not think up such a get rich quick scheme myself. I could have written a book filled with my partisan delusional speculation unsupported by fact too and made millions.

For seven years, the worst President in all history was wise to keep his mouth shut as his successor cleaned up his mess. But now, W speaks. And really, you have to think that Jeb Bush is not happy. Josh Rogan of Bloomberg:

Bush said that Obama’s plan to lift sanctions on Iran with a promise that they could snap back in place at any time was not plausible. He also said the deal would be bad for American national security in the long term: “You think the Middle East is chaotic now? Imagine what it looks like for our grandchildren. That’s how Americans should view the deal.” …

Obama promised to degrade and destroy Islamic State’s forces but then didn’t develop a strategy to complete the mission, Bush said. He said that if you have a military goal and you mean it, “you call in your military and say ‘What’s your plan?’ ” He indirectly touted his own decision to surge troops to Iraq in 2007, by saying, “When the plan wasn’t working in Iraq, we changed.”

So the man that is directly responsible for why the Middle East is chaotic now, the man directly responsible for Iran’s nuclear program, he has advice for anyone… anywhere? One of the great sins our country has committed is not indicting and convicting this war criminal when we had the chance.

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