Archive for April, 2015

DL Approval Ratings: Coons Rides High

Filed in Delaware by on April 13, 2015 2 Comments
DL Approval Ratings: Coons Rides High

A senior elected official said to me at an event over the weekend that these Delaware Liberal polls are hurting the state of Delaware. He says staffers obsess over them, and that is distracting to the pressing state business that these staffers or employees must take of. This person said, somewhere a Social Security check is not being cut because there is a poll about John Carney.

So I apologize to the people of Delaware, but the polls must go on. To be honest, I was surprised how positive this poll was for Senator Coons, given his recent vacillation over the Iran Deal. To be clear, Senator, to side with the Republicans over the Iran Deal makes you one. You either are in the Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran caucus, or you are not. And voting for the Corker Bill means you want war, not a deal that will prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.

Regardless, 59% approve of Senator Coons’ job performance, 23% strongly. 38% disapprove.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [4.13.15]

Filed in Delaware by on April 13, 2015 2 Comments

Fort Delaware, on Pea Patch Island in the Delaware River, near Delaware City.

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This is a pretty damn good announcement video.

Filed in National by on April 12, 2015 12 Comments

Better than her sitting on the couch in her Washington home in 2008. It hits all the key themes, principles and demographics. The right positive tone. Very good. My only complaint? Her logo. They really needed to contact me for graphics advice.

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Happy Birthday Jason330.

Filed in Delaware by on April 12, 2015 8 Comments

Our illustrious founder is a half a century old now. Jason has had some iconic moments, like using his bare chested torso as a petition, encouraging all to sign his body so as to lobby for open government back in the halcyon days of Progressives in Delaware. I however cannot find a picture of that. But here is a picture of Jason celebrating in front of a disgruntled conservative’s sign downstate right after President Obama’s election in 2008.

Happy Birthday Jason. Here’s to many many more.

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Sunday Open Thread [4.12.15]

Filed in National by on April 12, 2015 0 Comments
Sunday Open Thread [4.12.15]

New York Times: “He defeated her in a grueling Democratic nomination battle. Then she pursued his agenda across the world as secretary of state. Now, the delicate relationship between Hillary Rodham Clinton and President Obama is about to get even more complicated.”

“For months, Mrs. Clinton and her team have pored over Mr. Obama’s poll ratings, policies and constituencies, seeking to solve a central riddle for the campaign she is about to begin: How can she run for president as her own person, without criticizing the sitting president she served — while her Republican opponents will be working to demonize them both?”

Dan Balz: “Her every step will be analyzed for signs of change or continuity. Has she learned from her loss to then-candidate Barack Obama in the 2008 primaries? If so, what? Does she act entitled or hungry? Has she shifted on foreign policy issues since she was Obama’s secretary of state?”

On Twitter, Hillary has been quite glowing about the President’s accomplishments, especially in the areas of Equality and Obamacare. She may go more hawkish on ISIS, but she will term it as doing more. I think she knows that it will hurt her on the left flank to create too much distance between herself and her former boss. That was the lesson of 2000, and the Clintons then thought Gore should have used them much more. She will not now agree with Al Gore on being her own candidate.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [4.12.15]

Filed in Delaware by on April 12, 2015 0 Comments


Photo by Kristopher Arnold on Flickr.

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Saturday Open Thread [4.11.15]

Filed in National by on April 11, 2015 1 Comment
Saturday Open Thread [4.11.15]

A new Bloomberg National poll finds that 72% of Democrats and independents said it would be a good thing for the Democratic Party if Hillary Clinton were to face a “serious” challenger for the presidential nomination. Well, it seems that she will have at least three challengers. Whether they are serious depends on three things: 1) Hillary’s performance; 2) the voters; and 3) the challengers themselves. Remember, Hillary is riding high in the polls not because of some accident. The Democratic base overwhelmingly wants her to be their nominee, while, contrarily, they want a serious challenge for her. This is probably because a serious contested and drawn out battle between Obama and Clinton in 2008 strengthen Obama and prepared him for McCain in the fall. Well, there is no Obama on the scene, and the conditions are not there for an Obama to emerge this time to challenge Clinton.

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The Weekly Addresses

Filed in National by on April 11, 2015 1 Comment

Vice President Biden fills in for his boss this week, and he talks about the President’s plan to make two years of community college free for responsible students.

Governor Markell highlights ongoing efforts both in Delaware and across the country to provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities. This is personal for me, because through this program, my cousin, who has Asperger’s Syndrome, which is on the Autism spectrum.

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [4.11.15]

Filed in Delaware by on April 11, 2015 0 Comments
Saturday Daily Delawhere [4.11.15]

Rockwood Park by Van Luvender on Flickr.

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President Obama Acquires Superpowers in Jamaica. Can now shoot Rainbows from his Hand.

Filed in National by on April 10, 2015 3 Comments


Fitting for the best President for Equality since, well, ever.

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Friday Open Thread [4.10.15]

Filed in Delaware by on April 10, 2015 13 Comments
Friday Open Thread [4.10.15]

Hillary is running. She will formally announce her presidential candidacy via social media at Noon EST Monday, while she’s en route to Iowa to begin a brisk early-states tour. Thus, no tedious announcement that she is thinking of running, and then setting up an exploratory committee, and then officially announcing. She is just announcing and then jumping right into campaigning. That is good.

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Draft Biden

Filed in Delaware by on April 10, 2015 6 Comments


This post is worth it just for the above picture. But anyway there is apparently a Draft Biden movement, I suppose apart from the Plan B movement waiting in the wings that the Vice President and Delaware Democrats already have fermenting just beneath the surface. Indeed, little birdies have told me that Delaware Democrats, whether they are official staff, in leadership positions or prominent rank-and-file have been told that when it comes to the Presidential race, they are not for Hillary, they are for Joe. At least that is what they are supposed to say publicly. But I digress.

Organizers behind the Draft Biden 2016 super-PAC have launched an online store around a “I’m ridin’ with Biden” logo depicting the vice president sporting aviator sunglasses while behind the wheel. […] The group has 20,000 signatures toward their goal of 30,000 by the end of April for an online petition urging Biden to launch a 2016 White House bid, they said. They added that they plan to organize in early-voting Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

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DL Approval Ratings: Negative for Carperdyne Model 3000X

Filed in Delaware by on April 10, 2015 1 Comment
DL Approval Ratings: Negative for Carperdyne Model 3000X

29% strongly disapprove. 26% somewhat disapprove. That is good enough for an overall majority (55%) disapproving of your job performance, John Carney. And the reason you’ve got that here is because you have our conservative readers voting against you because you are a Democrat. And you’ve got liberals voting against you because you are Carperdyne Model 3000X. Your programming has you continuing to try to find “common” ground with Republicans, which to them means you cave and they accept. You vote with theRepublicans against a Democratic budget and you or any elected Delaware Democratic officials dares wonder why the rank and file Democrats don’t like you.

Here’s a clue. You ran as a Democrat. You were elected as a Democrat. You better vote as a Democrat. You better act like one too. All the time. Or you won’t be around much longer.

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