Archive for April, 2015

Wednesday Daily Delawhere [4.8.15]

Filed in Delaware by on April 8, 2015 0 Comments
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [4.8.15]

St. John the Baptist Holy Angels Catholic Church on Main Street in Newark. Photo by the Flying Inn on Flickr.

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Baumbach’s Death with Dignity Bill is not even filed yet, and already there is opposition

Filed in Delaware by on April 7, 2015 12 Comments
Baumbach’s Death with Dignity Bill is not even filed yet, and already there is opposition

….from the Medical Society of Delaware. Though that is not unexpected. The proposed legislation would likely allow assisted suicide only in cases where a patient has been told by their doctor that they have a short time to live, like six months or less. The legislation would provide that only the patient is authorized to make this decision, and a family member and the doctor would be required to witness the procedure. This, along with Marijuana Legalization, are the next big socially progressive / socially libertarian reforms to be considered by society, and by extension, the General Assembly.

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Let me take a moment to agree with Rand Paul before it is too late

Filed in National by on April 7, 2015 9 Comments
Let me take a moment to agree with Rand Paul before it is too late

Now that Rand Paul has announced that he is running for President, I’d like to hurry up and agree with him on a couple of things before he walks back these comments.

In 2009 I agreed with Paul when he said that Dick Cheney wanted to invade Iraq to benefit his former employer, Halliburton.

On the basic criminality of drone strikes, I agree with him on that.

When he told Bloomberg News that Iran is not a threat, I agree with that observation.

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Zombie Casinos, Replicating

Filed in Delaware by on April 7, 2015 18 Comments
Zombie Casinos, Replicating

Delaware State News reports today that there is a plan percolating in the GA to *add* three more casinos to the mix as a way to address the state’s declining revenues from the current three. Read that again — 3 casinos that are suffering from a declining market share will have 3 more casinos in state to steal their market share PLUS lose their share of out-of-state players.

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Coming Together: A Community Response to Hunger

Filed in National by on April 7, 2015 0 Comments


Senator Bryan Townsend invites you to attend a conference for all ages to discuss ways we all can work together so that no Delawarean suffers from hunger.

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Tuesday Open Thread [4.7.15]

Filed in National by on April 7, 2015 0 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [4.7.15]

According to NPR, President Obama scoffed at Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) suggestion that he would, on Day 1, revoke any nuclear agreement with Iran if he is elected president. Said Obama: “It would be a foolish approach to take and perhaps Mr. Walker — after he’s taken some time to bone up on foreign policy — will feel the same way.”

LOL. Talk about some shade being thrown by the President. I will love if he actively stays involved in the GOP primary. It will drive them literally insane, and benefit Hillary all the more.

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Approval Rating Polls are Back.

Filed in Delaware by on April 7, 2015 0 Comments
Approval Rating Polls are Back.

We are going to assess our readership’s opinions concerning the job performance of our elected officials over the coming week. Today, we begin with Governor Jack Markell. Given the battles over Education, Priority Schools and the budget, I do not expect the Governor to earn a passing grade this time.

Tuesday — Governor Jack Markell (D)
Wednesday — Attorney General Matt Denn (D)
Thursday — Congressman John Carney (D)
Friday — Senator Chris Coons (D)
Monday — Senator Tom Carper (D)
Tuesday — Auditor Tom Wagner (R)
Wednesday — Treasurer Ken Simpler (R)
Thursday — Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart (D)
Friday — New Castle County Executive Tom Gordon (D)

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Republicans Love Minority Protections, for themselves

Filed in Delaware by on April 7, 2015 0 Comments
Republicans Love Minority Protections, for themselves

Senator Simpson has filed a bill (SB 46) that proposes a state Constitutional Amendment that would require at least one member of both the Court of Chancery and the Supreme Court be residents of and been appointed from the Bars of each of the three counties. Already we have Constitutional provisions requiring that the Supreme Court have “equal” representation between the parties, which, given that is a 5 member Court, is impossible, but it means that there will be at least 2 Republicans on the Court at all times.

Now, Senator Simpson wants 2 members of the 5 member Court to be from Kent and Sussex County. Screw whether or not any potential Justice is qualified or not, or whether the Governor wants to nominate them or not. Because, the primary consideration of all citizens has to be the feelings of downstate Republicans.

But you know what, I am in a compromising mood. I would gladly support Senator Simpson’s geographical balance Amendment if he and all Republicans agree to repeal the partisan balance provisions.

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Protect Us From Sharia Law, Senator Lawson!!!

Filed in Delaware by on April 7, 2015 10 Comments
Protect Us From Sharia Law, Senator Lawson!!!

Senator Dave Lawson says that he will introduce legislation designed to keep foreign laws and lawsuits from intruding on Delaware’s court system. And the legislation will naturally have a teabag Republican name, since the threat the legislation is addressing only exists in the fever dreams of teabag Republicans watching Fox News.

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Duke can eat me.

Filed in National by on April 7, 2015 20 Comments
Duke can eat me.

Can we stop pretending that Duke is a University and just admit that it is a minor league feeder for the NBA? For that matter can we just stop pretending that Division I athletes are students and not employees? While we are at it, let’s tax these extremely wealthy corporations.

In the meantime, I endorse this Claire McCaskill tweet:

“Congrats to Duke, but I was rooting for team who had stars that are actually going to college & not just doing semester tryout for NBA,” tweeted McCaskill.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [4.7.15]

Filed in Delaware by on April 7, 2015 1 Comment
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [4.7.15]

Buildings along the ocean in Bethany Beach.

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Monday Open Thread [4.6.15]

Filed in National by on April 6, 2015 11 Comments
Monday Open Thread [4.6.15]

So Jeb Bush lied on his 2009 voter registration form and claimed that he, John Ellis Bush, was Hispanic. Yeah, that’s going to play well in both the Tea Party and Latino community.

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Punkin Chunkin Tort Reform

Filed in Delaware by on April 6, 2015 3 Comments
Punkin Chunkin Tort Reform

Republican Senator Brian Pettyjohn tried to enact a state wide $1 million damages cap for any personal injury or wrongful at a special event, otherwise known as Republican Tort Reform, under the guise of saving the Punkin Chunkin competition. The Democrats on the Senate Executive Committee weren’t having it. And good for them.

How about we try some other things first before we change the only protection a citizen has against corporate malfeasance and negligence: the civil jury system. How about having those ATV riders sign a waiver? How about you inspect the field for holes and dangerous conditions prior to the competition? How about you train these volunteers better? How about we wait to see how this pending litigation involving the ATV accident plays out? It may be that the jury finds no negligence and/or awards a much reduced amount than what the Plaintiff is asking for, thus rendering the supposed need for this legislation moot.

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