Delaware Liberal

Republicans vote to increase abortions by 35%

I think we can all agree that Republicans are not really anti-abortion. They are anti-sex. If they were honestly interested in reducing the number of abortions performed each year in this country, they would support access birth control. They don’t support access to birth control. In fact, given the black and white choice of increasing abortions or keeping access to birth control, Republicans would chose to increase abortions.

It is not hypothetical. That is exactly the choice Colorado Republicans have recently made when the Colorado GOP voted to defund an award winning program that reduced abortions in Colorado by 35%.

It is well past time that Democrats in Colorado and around the country run as the party “committed to reducing abortions.” It is the case that Bill Clinton made when he ran for President, and it is the case that Republicans around the country are continuing to push Democrats to make.

Democratic politicians need to make the case for reason and common sense. If you want to reduce the number of abortions in the country, or even eliminate abortions altogether – vote for the Democrat.

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