Archive for May, 2015
Thursday Daily Delawhere [5.28.15]
The Interior of the Old New Castle County Courthouse in New Castle.
If she’s speaking to the DE GOP, is she really a “serious” candidate?

Let’s face it, the DE GOP doesn’t attract the top tier. Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina’s attempt to attack former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D) didn’t quite go as planned on Wednesday. Fiorina scheduled her own press conference outside of the Marriot Hotel in Columbia, South Carolina where Clinton was scheduled to speak. But […]
Carper get real support from a fake group
This “progressive” group supporting the TPP is complete bullshit, of course.
The Progressive Coalition for American jobs, my ass.
Wednesday Open Thread [5.27.15]
![Wednesday Open Thread [5.27.15] Wednesday Open Thread [5.27.15]](
First Read: “By itself, making money shouldn’t be an issue for Bill and Hillary Clinton; after all, so many of our past presidents have been wealthy. By itself, Bill Clinton having a shell LLC wouldn’t be an issue either. But when you add the two together, you see that the Clintons have a Mitt Romney problem on their hands — wealth and ‘otherness’ that voters might not be able to relate to, especially when the likes of Bernie Sanders are campaigning against wealth.”
“Of course, there’s one BIG difference between Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney: Romney wanted to cut taxes for the wealthy, while Hillary likely wants to raise them and eliminate tax loopholes benefitting the well-off. As the Clintons have said before, people like them should be paying more in taxes. And you probably won’t hear that rhetoric from the eventual GOP nominee.”
The voters won’t care. They only care when someone who is wealthy wants to cut taxes for him so as to further enrich himself at the expense of the voters. If a candidate who is wealthy wants to raise taxes on himself or herself while at the same providing benefits and services to the voter as a result, the voters will lap that right up. Remember the Kennedy’s. They were fabulously wealthy. But also liberal.
To get elected as a rich person in this country, you better be a liberal Democrat.
“We’re Not Going to Let This Commission Take Credit for These Ideas”

That’s a paraphrase of what Wilmington’s Public Safety Liaison, Mr. Douglas Iardella, told one of the attendees of tonite’s Wilmington Public Safety Strategies Commission. This, unfortunately, is the only thing that can explain the Administration’s continued and obvious delay in talking about implementing the recommendations of the Commission’s report. Tonight’s meeting was expected to feature Chief Bobby Cummings discussing the report’s recommendations that the WPD would implement and discuss the path forward. Many community members came out (again) to be a part of the discussion and several of Wilmington’s GA delegation came as well.
Vessels of Wrath

I don’t have time to get into how this latest defense of Josh Duggar is perhaps the most morally bankrupt defense yet – but I have to make an observation.
The most morally upright people I know are also often the least religious people I know.
“limited” passes = stay away teabaggers

May 26, 2015
Dear Fellow Republican,
I wanted to make sure I let you know that there are very few guest passes remaining for the 2015 Delaware Republican State Convention this coming Saturday morning. Convention delegates and other guests are excited to welcome Republican presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina as the keynote speaker, and I’d love to know that you’re going to be there with us as we launch the 2016 campaign season.
Simply click the link above and you’ll be able to register online, but there are only a few passes left so you’ll need to purchase your ticket immediately to ensure that you have reserved space for this Saturday’s event.
I hope to see you this weekend!
Charlie Copeland
Paid for by the Delaware Republican Party
Markell an imperfect messenger on infrastructure funding
Gov. Markell is right when he says that as a state, “We just have to make more investments in our roads and bridges.” He’s also part of the problem.
Ken Simpler: Advocate for the 1%, Taxing Everyone Else.

Celia Cohen fellates Ken Simpler and supply side economics once more in reporting on the Revenue Commission’s findings:
They also found, as Markell had, retirees are getting a sweet deal through an assortment of tax breaks that ought to be revisited. They concluded it was fine for the state to rely on personal income taxes and corporate franchise taxes and fees as the mainstays of its revenue, although the personal income taxes could stand to have itemized deductions eliminated and the top marginal rate lowered.
What they decided the state could use, though, was another steady revenue source. They identified a property tax as the best candidate, especially because Delaware has one of the lowest property tax burdens in the country. Nobody should get too excited yet about this idea, one way or the other. Here is where it pays to remember Markell’s remark about the difference between the math and the politics. Other suggestions: Eliminate the estate tax. Shave the corporate income tax but nudge up the gross receipts tax. Recalibrate the realty transfer tax.
There was one last conclusion to be drawn. People ought to pay attention to that Ken Simpler guy. He appears to be the driving force behind a lot of the analysis.
No shit. Eliminating the Estate Tax, cutting the corporate income tax rate, eliminating itemized deductions (like your mortgage deduction) and lowering the top marginal rate (which is already at 6.6% starting at the $60,000 net injcome)??? All horrible conservative ideas that are giveaways to the wealthy and that will further deprive this state of revenue, all the while raising taxes on everyone else.
Tuesday Open Thread [5.26.15]
![Tuesday Open Thread [5.26.15] Tuesday Open Thread [5.26.15]](
Ed Kilgore of the Washington Monthly on that Gallup poll that showed that America is now a liberal nation.
That in itself is significant, but if you add partisanship into the mix, the change is even more significant. As recently as 2009, 31% of self-identified Democrats also self-identified as “conservative” or “very conservative” on “social issues.” That was a bit of an outlier, but the number was in the low twenties earlier. Now it’s at 14%, even as the “liberal/very liberal” total has spiked to an all-time high of 53%. There’s been a smaller but still significant shift among Republicans from “conservative’/very conservative” to “moderate,” but the overall trend is being driven by Democrats.
So whatever else this means, it means the temptation for Democrats to carve out some sort of “economic liberal/social conservative” position, which was very strong in the 1980s and 1990s in some culturally conservative areas of the country (typically those with a lot of white working class voters who retained enough union influence to keep them from defecting to the GOP entirely), has now pretty much vanished. And that’s evident in the fact that most “struggles for the soul of the Democratic Party” these days are focused on economic issues.
What we have here in Delaware is the Social Liberal Economic Conservative model in Jack Markell, Tom Carper, Chris Coons and John Carney.
Memorial Day Daily Delawhere [5.25.15]
The African American Medal of Honor Statue in Brandywine Park in Wilmington, for this Memorial Day.
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