Archive for May, 2015
Saturday Open Thread [5.9.15]
![Saturday Open Thread [5.9.15] Saturday Open Thread [5.9.15]](
Chris Cilliza of the Washington Post has posted in regular (I think it’s either monthly or weekly) ranking of Republican Presidential contenders, and his rankings leave a lot to be desired….
The Weekly Addresses
The President released his Weekly Address a little early this week (yesterday) to honor the anniversary of V-E day, which was yesterday.
Governor Markell recognizes National Small Business Week, and highlights statewide efforts to support small businesses and entrepreneurs, including the Small Business Focus Program and Small Business Assistance Program.
Friday Open Thread [5.8.15]
![Friday Open Thread [5.8.15] Friday Open Thread [5.8.15]](
Dylan Byers: “On Nov. 8, 2016, Clinton will start — start — with a minimum 247 of the 270 electoral votes she needs to win. If you give her Colorado and Virginia — which many political strategists would, given the Hispanic population in one and the rising influence of the northern-centered population in the other — she’ll start with 269. That means Clinton doesn’t need Ohio or Florida. She just needs one small state like Iowa, Nevada or New Hampshire to put her over the edge. And because she’s got a boatload of money and no viable primary challenger, she’ll have plenty of time and resources to lock up at least one of those states.”
“In order to shift the map, the Republican nominee would have to find a way to win Colorado and/or Virginia. That means winning over Hispanics, which will be a difficult task for a nominee who has spent a months-long primary trying to win over the conservative grass roots. It also means winning over enough members of Virginia’s white working class to counter the more populated liberal-urban centers in the north. Not impossible, of course, but hard.”
You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means

Populism. That’s the word and that’s the word in the title of a piece that appeared in The Atlantic this week authored by Governor Jack Markell, called, Americans Need Jobs, Not Populism. In fairness, he may not have provided the title to this thing. But it is less an argument against populism than it is an argument for working class and middle class people to sit down and shut up about the very real squeeze we find ourselves in. It is an argument for his own political philosophy — privileging businesses over the people who are the consumers for these businesses — a philosophy that certainly wasn’t on display (IMO) when he first campaigned for Governor. In this, the Governor wants you to know that it is globalization that is the root of today’s economic issues. Which couldn’t be more wrong.
HB 50 (The Opt Out Bill) Passes the House in a Markell-Crushing Landslide

Kudos to Rep. John Kowalko, Mike Matthews, Rep. Kim Williams, John Young, Kevin at Exceptional Delaware, Kavips, and everyone else that I am not mentioning or forgetting right now on all your work on fighting for our children’s education in Delaware. This was an important victory in a first battle, but the war is not over.
Markell Continues the Social Progressive Dance

He is a curious mix, our Governor. Later on today I shall have my tome-like response to Governor Markell’s thesis on Third Way Politics in the Atlantic last week. The Governor’s third way politics is unique. He champions progressive policies on the social level (if you exclude education and marijuana from that definition) to hide the fact that he is no progressive economically or educationally. Anti-Discrimination law, Civil Unions, Marriage Equality, and now the repeal of the Death Penalty.
Thought of the Day

More Americans are comfortable voting for a gay person for President than an evangelical Christian. Think about that for just a minute. Seems like *somebody* took back the mantle of the Moral Majority, right? And if I’m Reince Priebus, I’m seriously worried. Because there’s a clear light at the end of the tunnel for the angry old white people strategy.
Thursday (mini) Open Thread [5.7.15]
![Thursday (mini) Open Thread [5.7.15] Thursday (mini) Open Thread [5.7.15]](
Pandering, not baseball, has always been Smyrna’s pastime. It is good to see Lumpy is keeping the tradition alive.
Delaware lawmakers score political points by offering free fishing tags to firefighters and discounted annual park fees to seniors.
But those giveaways cost Delaware’s parks system more than $750,000 in uncollected revenue each year, according to state figures.
Now lawmakers have introduced new legislation that would expand those freebies, offering surf fishing tags at no cost to active members of ladies auxiliary crews at Delaware volunteer fire companies.
DL GOP Fantasy Pool Update – Is Jeb Bush DOA?

Perhaps the most surprising Fantasy News so far is how badly top pick, Jeb Bush, is doing. A new Quinnipiac poll of likely Iowa Republican presidential caucusgoers finds Jeb Bush in SEVENTH place with a measly 5%, trailing behind both Ben Carson (7%) and chlamydia (6%).
Is it possible that Bush MAY NEVER EVEN ANNOUNCE, thereby netting a big zero for AQC and Del Dem? I doubt it. Despite being hated by Iowa caucusgoers, Jeb Bush remains popular among billionaires with money to blow. So why not collect sacks of cash on his way to whatever lobbying job lies ahead?
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