Archive for May, 2015
Sign This Petition to Support Implementing Real Violence Reduction Strategies in Wilmington

This petition at the site is addressed to the Governor, AG Matt Denn, Mayor Dennis Williams and Chief Bobby Cummings to ask them to implement the Wilmington Public Safety Strategies Commission report and 9 other actions to help to address and reduce the violence in Wilmington. Please take a few minutes to read this over and sign it, if you can. Also forward this on to your friends and share via your FB pages or Twitter to help spread the word. Thanks!
The (Late) Weekly Addresses
Sorry that this is being posted late, but I was away for my birthday weekend and away from the computer. Apologies…
In this week’s address, the President reiterated his commitment to expanding access to education.
In his weekly message, Governor Markell explains how state grant funding, awarded earlier this week, will leverage over $100 million in private investments in Delaware’s Downtown Development Districts.
Rep. Bryon Short discusses legislation he is sponsoring that would prohibit employers from requiring employees or applicants to give the employer access to their personal social media accounts. House Bill 109, crafted by the Attorney General’s office, respects both the employee and employer and will be an important step forward in social media privacy.
Monday Daily Delawhere [5.4.15]
Rowhouses in spring on 13th and Orange Streets in Wilmington. Photo by xzmattzx.
Sunday Daily Delawhere [5.3.15]
Classic high end cars from the Point to Point races at Winterthur. Photo by xzmattzx.
Saturday Open Thread [5.2.15]
![Saturday Open Thread [5.2.15] Saturday Open Thread [5.2.15]](
Pope Francis is set to release his first Papal Encyclical and it will be on climate change. The Pope is recognizing that climate change is real, it is caused by humans and it needs to be addressed now. Conservatives are losing their minds — this Pope has immense moral credibility — and the Heartland Institute is so upset that they are trying to get a meeting with the Pope to make him an offer he can’t refuse, presumably. Seriously, the hubris of these people to think that a man with the world’s greatest minds at his fingertips could find the Heartland Institute’s propaganda compelling. This Pope is not a clueless American conservative.
Saturday Daily Delawhere [5.2.15]
Magnolia Circle and Memorial Hall on the University of Delaware campus. Photo by xzmattzx.
(Late) Friday Open Thread [5.1.15]
![(Late) Friday Open Thread [5.1.15] (Late) Friday Open Thread [5.1.15]](
And what the heck is going on in Rehoboth Beach? Dogfish Head Brewing and Eats has plans to revitalize their space and the zoning board in Rehoboth turned down their variance. Because they would invite too many people to that part of downtown Rehoboth, even though the plans call for fewer restaurant seats than they have now. And one of the Zoning Board members invited Dogfish Head to move to another town. That’s some economic development plan, right there.
Bridge Closure Was A Christie Revenge Plot Against Fort Lee Mayor

A former ally of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) admitted Friday that he directed lane closures on the George Washington Bridge to punish a local politician for refusing to endorse the governor’s 2013 re-election bid.
Murder, Manslaughter, and Assault charges Filed Against Officers In Baltimore

This seems like a big deal. Via TPM:
Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby announced on Friday that she had filed murder, manslaughter, and assault charges against city police officers following the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray.
Friday Daily Delawhere [5.1.15]
The Carillon at Nemours in Fairfax. It was built in 1935 by Alfred I. DuPont as a tribute to his parents and as his own mausoleum. Man, rich people. They do have big egos, don’t they?
Photo by xzmattzx.
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