Delaware Liberal


Blogger Kevin Ohlandt of Exceptional Delaware posted a GoFundMe campaign for $1875 to cover the Delaware Department of Education’s demand for fulfilling Kevin’s FOIA request. The request is for contracts and emails related to Delaware’s relationship with AIR and DRC, who are respectively the testing and scoring vendor for Delaware’e Smarter Balanced Assessment test.

Kevin has asked repeatedly for this information, and has followed up with DOJ do reduce DOE’s demands from an even more ridicuous $8000-something. Kevin is blessed with the time, the energy, and the integrity go make the most of the information.

We need to fill the GoFundMe campaign TODAY to send DOE and the Senate a message, on this day when HB 50 (Opt Out) is on the Senate agenda, and Governor Markell has his veto pen ready. So put in a few bucks, or even a few hundred to make the message loud and clear today.

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