Delaware Liberal

Bernie Sanders packs thousands into a Denver gymnasium

Sanders is catching fire.

I don’t think Sander-mania is anti-Hillary mania. The 5,000 in Denver may be his ceiling in Denver – a city of 650,000.

However, the excitement of those 5,000 is telling. Democrats want to hear DEMOCRATS make the case for DEMOCRATIC governance. That much is clear. There is a thirst in the country for a left of center candidate willing to address the major problems facing this country, all of which twine together in Bernie Sanders’ message that the billionaire class is ass-rapeing this country into oblivion.

I don’t think Ms. Clinton can make that argument, so I’d like to see her pick Sanders as a running mate. Short of that she needs to lay a Sanders style beating on the billionaire class – and soon. Because there is one thing Democrats like myself know about Hillary and it is something we try not to think about. She is not very likeable. If the GOP nominates a likeable bullshitter we all know what could happen. Clinton is going to have to harness some progressive mojo, or it could be unsettlingly close on election day.

Bernie Sanders, who’s emerged as Hillary Rodham Clinton’s chief rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, drew an estimated crowd of more than 5,000 people to the University of Denver on Saturday night for what appeared to be one of the largest political rallies of the 2016 cycle.

Sanders, the self-described democratic socialist senator from Vermont, delivered a fiery speech in a packed university gymnasium, where he decried the greed of the billionaire class, saying it is “destroying this nation.” Besides the more than 3,000 people in the gym, others listened in an adjacent atrium.

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