‘Bulo’s Fave Tunes: June, 2015

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 3, 2015

Music: 9.  General Assembly: Zero.

Following perhaps the most embarrassing June performance by a General Assembly that I can recall, at least we have some great tunes to help us turn the page.

9-0? That’s the official score when a baseball team forfeits. Which is pretty much what the GA did. Fortunately, the artists didn’t. Not even close. Best music month of the year so far:


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  1. bamboozer says:

    Loved “Biscuits”, the tune and vid. Also “Nobody’s fault”. Jason Isbel luke warm, but that can change. Now, back to death metal……….

  2. Really glad you liked ‘Nobody’s Fault’, Bamboozer. I’m gonna try to book ’em at the Arden Gild Hall.

    If I do, and if you can make it, first beer’s on me.

  3. Jason330 says:

    Has your taste in music suddenly gotten much better? Some really good stuff here.

  4. pandora says:

    I try to like El Som’s music, I really do. Guess I’m more of an Uptown Funk sorta girl.

  5. Jason: My experience has been that even the most-challenged music troglodyte can learn to love good music. I’m gratified that my lessons have exponentially improved your musical sophistication.

    Pandora, you’re next.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Needs more Lil B

  7. Jason330 says:

    Since I evaluate music by “how much does this remind me of Meghan Trainor”, I doubt your prognosis is correct.

  8. Turk 184 says:


  9. Jason330 says:


  10. cassandra m says:

    Pandora — go to your streaming site of choice and listen to Leon Bridges whole album. The comparisons to Sam Cooke are not far off, except he isn’t yet that mature of an artist. He’ll get there and what he is doing is fun and good.

    I heard of Jason Isbell a few years ago when Dwight Gardner was sent to do a profile of him in the NYT. The NYT sending one of its marquee book reviewers off to profile a songwriter was interesting and what Gardner wrote sent me off to listen. The guy is amazing — smart, emotionally intelligent and literary work. It is properly listened to without other distractions, like a fine book. Amazing songwriter.

  11. Cass-My fave song on the new Leon Bridges album is ‘Lisa Sawyer’, which was written about his mom. However, a live version of that song made last year’s list even though the album didn’t come out until last month.

    And, yes, Jason Isbell is da bomb. His previous album, “Southeastern”, was the best album of 2013, IMHO, and in the opinions of loads of listeners. This is the only song I’ve heard from the new album. There are bound to be several other great tracks on it.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    I saw Leon Bridges in mid-may at Ortleib’s and he was good — you can tell he is young and figuring it out. I hope he does, love that sound. Madisen Ward and the Mama Bear were a big splash at SXSW this year, but I’ve seen them a couple of times in KC a few years ago — some clubs around 18th and Vine, I think. They are wonderful in person, haven’t listened to their recording yet.