Delaware Liberal

Who “won” the debate? That’s easy… Republicans won

Roger Ailes, Fox News and the RNC won. Crazy-ass modern Republican economics (which have failed, and failed, and failed) won. The notion that we should bomb Iran rather than talk to Iran won big time. If you think the country would be better off with school vouchers and without Planned Parenthood – you won! Congrats.

This was not a debate, but a disgusting travesty. That our political process had devolved to this makes me sick. That those nine nit wits (and Ben Carson) got to stand up on a national stage and be taken seriously as candidates for high office is an absolute indictment of this country and its people.

William Henry Harrison read the military history of ancient Rome and Julius Caesar in Latin. Teddy Roosevelt spoke French, German, Greek and could read Latin. The collective brain power of the men on the stage last night couldn’t power a night light.

A lot will be written about who scored what points, but the bottom line is – Idiocy won. America lost.

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