Conservatives have loved to declare, against all facts and logic, that Barack Obama is a dictator, a tyrant, and in a latest turn to conspiracy, is/was going to use a military exercise in the southwest called Jade Helm to take over the country and declare martial law so as to stay in power for life.
Yes, yes.. I know. But it is either what they truly believe, or it is what they say to scare others.
I don’t think these folks have quite pictured how much the military will be in their lives if mass deportations ever become reality. What it will look and feel like to have soldiers surround and sweep through public schools and neighborhoods to screen and detain children as hostages to coerce their parents to turn themselves in as well.
Or worse, how it might play out is if local militias pre-emptively do such deportation sweeps themselves. Because when that happens, it’s not deportation: It’s ethnic cleansing.
It’s been done before. The Trail of Tears, right here in America. The Holocaust, in Germany. Bosnia.
And if Conservatives have their way…. in Trump’s America.
There are many reasons why I call Donald Trump and the conservatives who support him fascists. This is only one of those reasons.