Delaware Liberal

From now to 2025.

I missed this hilarious and hopeful piece from Kevin Ohlandt of Exceptional Delaware when he posted it, but I just stumbled upon it and you have to read the whole thing. But I thought I would summarize the political musical chairs he envisions over the next ten years, and if they are possible.

Matt Denn is elected Governor in 2016 and he eliminates crime in all Delaware cities.

Former Governor Markell is indicted on charges of fraud and abuse.

Kimberly Williams is elected Governor in 2020.

Finding jobs for out of work Delawareans was Governor Williams first goal when she won the election of 2020 against William Manning (R) after she devastated former Senator David Sokola in the landslide 542,828-16 vote in the Democrat(ic) primary.

So Matt Denn only serves one term, voluntarily? Did another office open up for him? Hmmm

Wilmington is a thriving city. The problem of education is solved.

The days of DSTP and Smarter Balanced are long gone, and even Common Core has been stripped away from state standards in favor of a more wholesome and consensus driven learning system based on feedback from all Delawareans. The less rigorous expectations have shown students will thrive when they aren’t counted as data, but as unique and individual minds.

This was was achieved in part due to the hard work of Secretary of Education Mike Matthews and Senator Sean Matthews (I assume he seeks that promotion and defeats Cathy Cloutier in 2016).

Teachers are able to do what they have always wanted to do: teach. Gone are the days of Rodel and outside companies telling us how education ought to be. We have taken the best practices of the Delaware Teacher Committee, led by Dr. Samantha Dahms, and parent satisfaction with our educators has never been higher. Parents no longer worry about opting their children out of standardized assessments because they no longer exist.

Recently elected for his 2nd term as President of the State Board of Education, John Young stated he always dreamed of the days when our graduation rates were up, drop-outs were a thing of the past, and our schools and districts truly collaborated with each other.

Now these next paragraphs require some unpacking….

Speaker of the House Trey Paradee and President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Brian Pettyjohn, are putting together legislation which would prevent any Governor of Delaware from being able to use funds the way Markell did during his reign of terror. US Senators Bryan Townsend and Matthew Lindell, as well as US Representative Eve Buckley, brought the legislation before the US Congress, and efforts are underway in our nation’s capital to implement these practices across the country.

Ever since Wilmington Mayor Charles Potter worked with Attorney General Sean Lynn on the Charter 2020 Bill, our charters have thrived as satellite schools of the 13 districts in our state. This prevented the practices of the past 25 years where charters were literally starving the traditional school districts of funds. State Auditor Brian Stephan, who brought all the charter fraud to light in the twilight of the twenty-teens, found new and innovative ways to defund and than refund all of the charters as new satellite schools of the districts.

Ok. Tom Carper is up for election in 2018 and then again in 2024. Chris Coons is not up again until 2020. It is safe to assume that Chris Coons is defeated in a primary for his horrible Iran stances and vote. Carper, to my chagrin, probably hangs on until 2024, and then he stands down.

If Brian Pettyjohn is President Pro Tem of the Senate, and not only are the Republicans in majority control of the State Senate, but that Senators Simpson, Hocker, Lawson, Bonini, Cloutier, Lavelle and Lopez are all no longer in office, since they all were elected before or at the same time as Pettyjohn. I can see Trey Paradee becoming Speaker one day, but it would be interesting to see how that it accomplished. And does Belle Paradee sit up on the podium?

Charles Potter as Mayor? And Wilmington is supposed to be a crime free and thriving city? AG Sean Lynn, I can see that. But, forgive me, but who is Brian Stephan? I assume he is elected in 2018, which is the next election for the auditor.

Donald Trump is elected President in 2016. And yet somehow Kevin does not picture America as a fascist police state where the Latino Holocaust is ongoing.

Finally, Wilmington is awarded an expansion Major League Baseball franchise in 2024 and they are called the Delaware Opt-Outers. That’s a very inside baseball name for a sports franchise, pun intended. Vice President Kowalko is throwing out the first pitch. If Kowalko is the VP, I guess we have to assume Elizabeth Warren is now the new President, for Donald Trump would have served his two terms by 2025.

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