Delaware Liberal

The Christian Party

Finally, some conservatives are giving up the long con that they are not theocrats wishing to completely destroy the constitutional foundation on which this Republic was built. Some of them are leaving the Republican Party and forming their own Christian Party. Indeed, they already have a presidential candidate in Tennessee resident Darrell Trigg. His platform is as insane as you thought it would be:

The first point of his campaign platform is to do away with separation of church and state and make it union of church and state instead. This means, among other things, the official religion of the United States will be Christianity.

Which domination? He does know that Christianity is divided nationally and globally among several that don’t really like each other. I am a Catholic, and many other Christians don’t seem to like my kind all that much. Not that I like them either.

He wants to make the Bible a standard required subject in all public schools and universities, for all grades. Every day of school will be started with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

The legal drinking age will be increased to 25 for any alcoholic beverage.

Homosexuality will not be recognized legally, or in any other manner, by the United States government or any state, city, or county government.

So much for state’s rights. But why stop there, Mr. Trigg? Call for the genocide of gays. Be courageous. It is what you bigoted Christofascists really want.

Marriage will be defined as the union of one woman with one man.

The legal age for marriage will be 22.

A couple wishing to get married must first attend Christian marriage counseling classes.

Divorce will only be allowed in cases of abuse, infidelity, or incarceration.

The penalties for abuse and infidelity will include large fines and jail time.

Married couples who become pregnant must attend Christian parenting classes.

No show or movie will be allowed on T.V. systems or computer systems accessible by homes that contain nudity, strong sexual content, excessive foul language, blasphemy, or any form of homosexuality.

Hahahaha. So think that Donald Trump’s fascist police state will be scary as hell, just wait for this one.

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