Delaware Liberal

Chris Coons, War Monger and Saudi Arabian Errand Boy

As Coons continues to waffle and pretend he is tough guy (or act like it) on the Iran Deal, I figured I’d do a little lookie-loo back in time to see where else his shiny headed thoughts have bubbled and beaded similar nonsense that resembles a Delaware Way type of dissent. We all know it: the never ending sorta, kinda, wishy, washy, verbal non, almost in a way committal to your view and the 200 plus other views of Delawareans style of verbiage.

I didn’t have to go to far back to find Chris Coons once again challenging Obama. Questioning his strategy (however confounding) of diplomacy and not putting boots on the ground.

Floor Speech: Senator Coons speaks about the President’s strategy for stopping ISIS| Newsroom| U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

“After more than a decade of conflict in the exactly 13 years since September 11, 2001, I know Americans are tired of war. I know we are weary of war. And as the President spoke last night, it was clear that he is as well, as am I. But I would challenge today my colleagues and my friends as I challenge myself that though we are weary we cannot ignore the very real threats that we face today. We cannot ignore the brutal events that have taken place in northwestern Iraq and in eastern Syria. And we cannot ignore the threat that brutality poses to America and our allies. ISIS is a brutal terrorist organization. It has killed innocent Americans like the two brave journalists, James Foley and Steven Sotloff whom they beheaded.”

“In the case of Syria, Saudi Arabia has just stepped up and agreed to provide the funding and space to train and equip Syrian coalition fighters.”

Listen, I know you’re tired of watching midget porn, but if we stop watching midget porn, and take no longer watching midget porn off the table as option then what other options for porn are there? So, let’s keep the fact that we should maybe consider not stopping the watching of midget porn because if we do, it might mean we have no alternatives left after exhausting all other porn fetishes.

So now we know that Coons is a War Monger and has applauded the Saudi’s. The Saudi’s! Box Cutters and all. A country that really, if you look at them, shouldn’t be applauded, it then shouldn’t be a surprise that we see ads from Saudi Lobbyists telling us Delawareans to call the bald Marxist and tell him to vote no on wimpy talking to brutal terrorists. Not like the Saudi’s who are reasonable people. Just stay off the HOV lane to Mecca or they kill you.

Who else is surprised that these ads are from Saudi lobbyists? I mean, all this time I thought most of the pressure to not be a meshuganah came from the firm Rabbi’s Finklestein & Goldberg. I never considered it came from Al-Shabab-Adel-Muhjadenea-Haj-Afgars

So next time you see that number, jot it down and tell Coonie please for the love of god keep watching midget porn and, side with the Saudi’. Tell Coons you love what they are about and want to vote No on Diplomacy with Iran. Vote YES WITH SAUDI ARABIA!!!!! WAR!!!!! WARRRRRRRR!!!!!! grrrrrrr

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