Archive for August, 2015

What is the GOP thinking?

Filed in National by on August 5, 2015 11 Comments

Why make this election about women’s healthcare and abortion? Are they drunk? Did they fall down and hit their head?

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [8.5.15]

Filed in National by on August 5, 2015 0 Comments

Old Post Office in Ocean View.

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Scott Walker is a walking, talking train wreck

Filed in National by on August 4, 2015 6 Comments
Scott Walker is a walking, talking train wreck

Not only has he trashed Wisconsin’s finances, but his personal finances are a mess.

Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin (R) is in some serious debt.

National Journal’s Shane Goldmacher reported Monday that new federal financial documents showed that Walker had credit-card debts totaling more than $20,000 from two separate cards.

That’s bad. This is worse.

One of the debts is via Barclays and is estimated to be between $10,000 and $15,000. The interest rate on the debt is 27.24%.

What a moron.

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Filed in National by on August 4, 2015 2 Comments

2 Men Open Fire On Soldiers At Jade Helm Training Site

HATTIESBURG, Miss. (AP) — A sheriff in Mississippi says authorities are searching for two men who fired gunshots from a vehicle at soldiers at a military facility. No injuries were reported.

Perry County Sheriff Jimmy Dale Smith tells WDAM-TV ( that the shots were fired just after noon Tuesday. The soldiers were training at Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center in Hattiesburg.

U.S. Special Forces Command designated Camp Shelby as one of the sites where a multi-state military training exercise, “Jade Helm 15”, was expected to take place, according to The Army Times.

I’m inclined to let the south go, but I’d hate to have to live next to a failed state full of psychotic idiots.

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What does the Fox News Debate Mean for the DL Fantasy Pool?

Filed in National by on August 4, 2015 5 Comments
What does the Fox News Debate Mean for the DL Fantasy Pool?

Thanks to Roger Ailes, there are now two classes of GOP candidates. The Children’s Table Losers and the Prime Time Losers. I think it is safe to say that the longevity of the Children’s Table Losers has taken a hit. So who should be happy and who should be sad?

Division 1
Jason330: Huckabee (117), Christie (36), Cruz (161), Carson (118)| 432
Pandora: Walker (23), Paul (145), Rubio (140), and Santorum(72) | 380
AQC: Jindal (46), Bush (55), Fiorina (118), Ehrlich (0) | 219

Division 1A
Newton: Paul (145), Rubio (140),Carson (118), Santorum (72) | 475
Prop Joe: Cruz (161), Jindahl (46), Walker (23), Perry (65) | 295
Del Dem: Bush (55), Christie (36), Huckabee (117), Graham (69)| 277

Turns out, with 4 in the Prime Time, I’m the winner of the Roger Ailes follies. Del Dem, Pandora and Newton, both with three did well. Prop Joe has two Prime Time Losers, and AQC is the Rick Perry of this round.



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Is Joe Biden running for President?

Filed in National by on August 4, 2015 4 Comments
Is Joe Biden running for President?

Joe Biden’s sister, Valerie Biden Owens, who has managed all of his prior campaigns for the Senate and the Presidency, said today that she has not had a “single conversation with him about it,” with “it” being running for President in 2016.

If she is telling the truth, then that means that Joe Biden is not running for President.

So that little boomlet was fun.

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Tuesday Open Thread [8.4.15]

Filed in National by on August 4, 2015 2 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [8.4.15]

New York Times: “After weeks of preparing for a smash-mouth debate with Donald J. Trump, 14 Republican candidates found themselves instead Trump-less but sandwiched into a constricting format on Monday night, delivering strikingly uneven performances just days before the first big test of the presidential primary contest.”

“Rather than making the other contenders look more presidential, however, the event, at St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H., seemed to shrink the candidates. Assembled in the front row, the Republicans gawked as each rival took his or her turn on stage, looking at times as if they were being forced to sit through a tedious school assembly.”

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Republicans want 2016 to be about women’s healthcare – Dems should beat them senseless… Will they?

Filed in National by on August 4, 2015 24 Comments
Republicans want 2016 to be about women’s healthcare – Dems should beat them senseless… Will they?

The GOP is going all in to turn Planned Parenthood into the next ACORN. In response to completely debunked and discredited videos that conservatives collectively pretend show Planned Parenthood officials selling fetal tissue from abortions, Senate Republicans introduced legislation to stop all government funding to the organization. Planned Parenthood receives up to $500 million annually […]

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DL GOP Fantasy Pool Update – Ehrlich drops prior to entering

Filed in National by on August 4, 2015 0 Comments
DL GOP Fantasy Pool Update – Ehrlich drops prior to entering

Former Maryland governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. told the Boston Globe that he’s not running for president, making him the only Republican in the country not running for President. This means nothing to the universe of political punditry – except to one person, AQC, who is going into the second phase, the drop phase, of DLGOPFP a three legged chair. (scroll down for updated standings)

Don’t cry for AQC though. He (she?) has Jeb Bush, so points will be accumulated while candidates like Newton’s Rand Paul will fall to the ground like overripe and unwanted apples in an abandoned orchard. It is still anybody’s game, and other sports related cliches.

[An aside… I wonder if all this attention to the Buffoon Bus ™ is helping the GOP in some perverse way? They do get to claim that they have an “embarrassment of riches” and while you and I certainly agree that these candidates are embarrassing, they are all getting a lot of earned media, and pushing the Dem candidates into the shadows. Also – since they all agree on all the issues, they get to continue to spout their utter bullshit unchallenged. Certainly the media is not going to call them on their floating of fact impaired fucktardy. ]

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [8.4.15]

Filed in National by on August 4, 2015 1 Comment

Delaware Park

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Same old, same old

Filed in National by on August 3, 2015 2 Comments
Same old, same old

Nice job Bushie. (also, nice job Obama keeping it rolling).

While American military trainers had gone to great lengths to protect the initial group of trainees from attacks by Islamic State or Syrian Army forces, they did not anticipate an assault from the Nusra Front. In fact, officials said on Friday, they expected the Nusra Front to welcome Division 30 as an ally in its fight against the Islamic State.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen like this,” said one former senior American official, who was working closely on Syria issues until recently, and who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss confidential intelligence assessments.

The Nusra Front said in a statement on Friday that its aim was to eliminate Division 30 before it could gain a deeper foothold in Syria. The Nusra Front did much the same last year when it smashed the main groups that had been trained and equipped in a different American effort, one run covertly by the C.I.A.

h/t eschaton

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Cannonball! Should Biden disrupt the 2016 election?

Filed in Delaware, National by on August 3, 2015 9 Comments

To quote Ron Burgandy, “That escalated quickly.”

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“Cuckservatives” vs “Real Fighters”

Filed in National by on August 3, 2015 10 Comments
“Cuckservatives” vs “Real Fighters”

I thought I knew how screwed up the GOP is. Turns out…I had no idea how mightily screwed up the GOP is right now.

“Cuckservative,” you see, is short for a cuckolded conservative. It’s not about a Republican whose wife is cheating on him, but one whose country is being taken away from him, and who’s too cowardly to do anything about it.

OK, that’s gross and sexist enough already, but there’s more. It apparently comes from a kind of pornography known as “cuck,” in which a white husband, either in shame or lust, watches his wife be taken by a black man. Lewis explains it this way: “A cuckservative is, therefore, a race traitor.

This is not merely a new way to shout “RINO.” It’s a call to make the GOP an explicitly racist party, devoted to the defense of whites…. ”

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