Archive for September, 2015

Wednesday Daily Delawhere [9.2.2015]

Filed in National by on September 2, 2015 0 Comments

Rockford Tower. From Tim Furlong’s Instagram.

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Coons is a Yes.

Filed in National by on September 1, 2015 35 Comments
Coons is a Yes.

Click here to view the webast. It is worth noting that Senator Casey of Pennsylvania, widely expected to be a no, along with Chris Coons, has just announced that he will vote yes. So perhaps Senator Coons will surprise me here with a good decision.


Coons is a yes. I take back everything I have said about him. Good for him. And good for America.

From the Washington Post:

Coons’s decision, coming in an exclusive interview with The Washington Post, delivered a powerful blow to opponents of the plan because the Delaware Democrat had previously voiced some of the deepest skepticism about the controversial deal. It came as Casey announced support for the deal and left Obama needing just one more vote in the Senate to claim victory.

Coons reached his decision after many weeks of deliberation that included long talks with top administration officials — including his political mentor, Vice President Biden — and an exchange of letters with President Obama that codified the assurances he received about the pact’s implementation.

“We are better off trying diplomacy first,” Coons told The Washington Post in an exclusive interview.

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Tuesday Open Thread [9.1.15]

Filed in National by on September 1, 2015 4 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [9.1.15]

“There is no war on women – there may be a war on what’s inside of women, but there is no war on women in this country.” — Ben Carson, quoted by The Hill. Well then. 2016, the year Republicans finally got honest. “Yes, we are bigots. Yes, we are racists. And yes, we want to control a woman’s choices.”

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Question of the Day

Filed in National by on September 1, 2015 7 Comments
Question of the Day

Look, it’s often said if you have to make a Hitler or Nazi reference, you lose your argument. But what does it mean when Nazis actually endorse you for President?

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In Kentucky, we have reached the point where force is required.

Filed in National by on September 1, 2015 30 Comments
In Kentucky, we have reached the point where force is required.

So that hateful bigot of a county clerk in Rowan County, Kentucky, Kim Davis, has been denying the issuance of marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples since the Supreme Court’s decision in late June 2015 allowing for them. State and Federal appeallate courts have ordered her to follow the Constitution and the Supreme Court’s ruling, which is the supreme law of the land. She refused, and appealed to the Supreme Court. Last night, they denied her. But this morning, she is refusing, citing to God’s authority.

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Who is Copeland’s Next Simpler?

Filed in National by on September 1, 2015 6 Comments
Who is Copeland’s Next Simpler?

Ken Simpler was no fluke. He ran a great campaign that offered voters a legitimate alternative to the Democratic cadidate without exciting the passions of the idiot base of the DE GOP. While he caught a break facing off against Sean Barney, a guy with all the baggage of Tom Carper and none of the name recognition, nobody can deny that the Simpler campaign was a cut above the usual half-assery Copeland’s DEGOP has become know for.

Which raises the question, who is next? Can any of the Republican candidates that have announced for statewide offices inherit Simpler’s sober, sane, level-headed, and thereby winning positioning?

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [9.1.2015]

Filed in National by on September 1, 2015 0 Comments

From Tim Furlong’s Instagram.

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