Delaware Liberal

Senator Coons Miffed that Hillary Forgot his Name.

LOLz. From the latest release of Hillary emails. Seriously, at this point, we know more about Hillary Clinton than any candidate for President ever. Indeed, ironically, she is the most transparent candidate to ever run. Don’t agree? Well, have you read the emails of Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders? I know I know, she did not plan it this way. But I digress.

Anyway, Senator Chris Coons was reportedly upset that Clinton forgot his name. Read on:

And I don’t know where to go with that except to point it out. His being miffed does point to somewhat of an ego, if he expected the Secretary of State to remember the name of a just elected Senator from a small state and also know enough about him to know his interest in Africa. I mean, this is the reaction of a Senator who has been working on Africa for a decade, not six months.

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