Delaware Liberal

Tuesday Daily Delawhere [10.13.15]

The advantage of being a small state is that most residents have easy and regular access to their representatives and public officials at events across the state, and many can speak of stories where they have run into various officials, like the Governor or the Vice President, in their local markets and movie theaters. The disadvantage of being a small state is that we do not really have our own state wide television station or news paper, and those media outlets that we do have, do not really put a premium on getting to know our candidates or public officials.

So I am going to use this Daily Delawhere space on occasion to highlight pictures of candidates and office holders either campaigning or performing their responsibilities. These photos can be provided by the campaigns themselves through social media, like Facebook or Instagram, or provided by others. In fact, I will put a premium on using photos provided through social media if only to encourage its use by our politicians. Some have become really really good at it. Others, not so much.

First up today, is Brad Eaby, candidate for Lt. Governor.

Here he is at the Apple Scrapple Festival recently. Photo from the Eaby campaign’s Instagram account.

The posting of this picture does not constitute an endorsement of the Eaby campaign.

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