Delaware Liberal

What Could Possibly Go Wrong By Bringing A Gun Into A Haunted House?

I’m going to let TBogg set the scene:

Outside of going to the gun range and blasting away at paper targets while pretending that they are Muslims or black teenagers, there is nothing Armed-Americans enjoy more than showing off their guns in public. Open carry rules!

No self-respecting NRA member would think about making a grudging late-night emergency run to CVS to pick up some tampons for his wife without first pulling on some camouflage pants, strapping a Glock to his hip, and pulling the whole ensemble together with an AR15 dangling from his neck.

Because…. Something Might Happen.

It’s always Something Might Happen with this group – that would shoot their own shadow, or toddler. But this is a story happening in our own backyard – at Frightland.

So when the owner of a popular Delaware haunted house was quite adamant that nobody — including off-duty cops — pack heat while visiting his attraction, gun nuts reacted as if the amusement park operator dug up Zombie Reagan and dressed him up in a Mao jacket and let people throw poop at him as part of the Halloween hi-jinks.

A week ago an off-duty Delaware cop named Nick Roll took his son to the Frightland in Middletown, Delaware — an enormously popular East Coast attraction — and was told that he couldn’t bring his service weapon in with him. Although his hosts graciously offered to lock it up for him in lieu of him locking it away in his car, Roll demurred. He then did what all good American’s do when confronted with tyranny — he complained about it on Facebook in what is known as a “rant” that went “viral.”

Could someone explain why anyone would think it’s a good idea to be armed in a place designed to make you jumpy and frightened? A place that’s dark and full of people jumping and screaming?

It is reasonable to believe that people who live in such constant mortal fear of being attacked that they can’t go out to get the newspaper in the driveway without dashing for the cover of the agapanthus first, would have no need of a haunted house to get their heart racing. Going to Frightland seems like overkill… in a manner of speaking.

On the other hand, making a big show of saying you are boycotting the cancer-fundraising haunted house — particularly when you live on the other side of the country and couldn’t find Delaware on a state map of Delaware — over guns is kind of lame.

Here’s the truth with these ammosexuals. The 2nd Amendment trumps every other amendment, and their right to be armed (even on private property – which is something they only care about when guns aren’t involved) are more important than than anything else in the world. And it’s this obsession with all guns, all the time that makes them one of the biggest dangers out there. Seriously, if you need to be armed while taking your child through a haunted house with a ton of other people, you have a big problem. You also disqualify yourself as a responsible gun owner.

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