Thursday Open Thread [10.29.15]

Filed in National by on October 29, 2015

Ted Cruz won. Bush lost and will end his campaign soon. Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen. But I did not foresee being swamped with work today and being out of the office at the same time. So have fun posting your own links today! I will make up for it tomorrow.

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  1. SussexAnon says:

    Yeah, that Cruz tantrum about the line of questioning/media only to complain that he wasn’t allowed to answer the question he was asked because he filibustered and went full-on passive agressive was pretty epic.


  2. Jason330 says:

    “Cruz assumed the very unlikely role of unity candidate–in opposition to the moderators–and actually pulled it off, which is quite a trick for the guy so hated in the Senate that he can’t get a second on his floor motions.”

  3. Anonymous says:

    “as I have foreseen” Still at the Chrystal Ball?

  4. bamboozer says:

    Jeb’s in until the money is gone, judging from the desperation the party has for a “business candidate” that will not be all that soon. Cruz won the courtroom grand stand game, big whoop for TV but worthless the next day. The field remains in near total flux and will stay that way short term. And no, I didn’t watch the debate. Weak stomach and band practice on Wednesday night are the culprits

  5. ben says:

    bamboozer! a fellow band-o! (band practice on Wed night was my excuse too!) If it’s a marching band, good luck with upcoming championship season.