Archive for October, 2015

What Could Possibly Go Wrong By Bringing A Gun Into A Haunted House?

Filed in Delaware by on October 21, 2015 12 Comments
What Could Possibly Go Wrong By Bringing A Gun Into A Haunted House?

I’m going to let TBogg set the scene:

Outside of going to the gun range and blasting away at paper targets while pretending that they are Muslims or black teenagers, there is nothing Armed-Americans enjoy more than showing off their guns in public. Open carry rules!

No self-respecting NRA member would think about making a grudging late-night emergency run to CVS to pick up some tampons for his wife without first pulling on some camouflage pants, strapping a Glock to his hip, and pulling the whole ensemble together with an AR15 dangling from his neck.

Because…. Something Might Happen.

It’s always Something Might Happen with this group – that would shoot their own shadow, or toddler. But this is a story happening in our own backyard – at Frightland.

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Paul Ryan Tries To Herd Cats

Filed in National by on October 21, 2015 12 Comments
Paul Ryan Tries To Herd Cats

It’s really, really obvious that Paul Ryan is being dragged, kicking and screaming, into running for the House Speaker. He really, really doesn’t want the job.

Ryan spoke to the House GOP behind closed doors Tuesday and said if all factions can share his vision and he can get the endorsement of the major caucuses, then he will serve as speaker.

The news was confirmed by his spokesman Brendan Buck, who said according to reports, “If he is not a unifying figure for the conference, then he will not run.”

So, he wants the vote before the vote. And he has conditions:

He said Republicans needed to move from being “an opposition party to an proposition party.” He also said he would seek updates to the House rules — a common demand by the conservative hardliners that roiled Speaker John Boehner’s tenure — “so everyone can be a more effective representative.”

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [10.21.2015]

Filed in National by on October 21, 2015 0 Comments

New Castle Town Hall on 2nd and Delaware Streets in Old New Castle. Photo by xzmattzx.

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My question…

Filed in National by on October 20, 2015 12 Comments
My question…

Why did the Republican establishment think Jeb Bush was going to be a good candidate? I’m seriously asking.

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Jim Webb to form a third party that only Mike Castle could love

Filed in National by on October 20, 2015 6 Comments
Jim Webb to form a third party that only Mike Castle could love

Eff this guy. Good riddance. Former U.S. Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) suspended his 2016 campaign for the Democratic nominee for President Tuesday, but didn’t rule out a third party bid. “I’m stepping aside from the Democratic primary process,” he said. “As of today, I’m not involved in the Democratic primary process.” Webb spoke at a […]

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Tuesday Open Thread [10.20.15]

Filed in National by on October 20, 2015 8 Comments
Tuesday Open Thread [10.20.15]

Trump has made a mistake in accurately blaming Bush for 9/11. Byron York: “This weekend was an inflection point in the Republican presidential race — a moment in which some significant part of the GOP establishment came out of denial and realized Donald Trump might well become their party’s nominee. That doesn’t mean Republicans have made their peace with a Trump victory. On the contrary — some are preparing to do whatever it takes to bring him down. Which could lead to an extraordinary scenario in which GOP stalwarts go to war to destroy their own party’s likely nominee.”

To take Trump down, you have to destroy the Republican base. The racist arrogant know nothing base of the GOP will have to be surgically removed from the party. That will lead to a collapse in the party’s electoral fortunes, but it is necessary. You cut cancer out. You don’t try to change cancer. You kill it.

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The Canadian Liberal’s win is a Tom Carper loss

Filed in National by on October 20, 2015 6 Comments
The Canadian Liberal’s win is a Tom Carper loss

The evidence from Canada suggests that the Democratic Party’s strategy of taking such good care of the 1% (in the guise of being hard nosed austerity hawks) might be an electoral loser in the long run. From Robert Reich’s FB:

Tonight, Canadian politics veered left. Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party captured a majority in Canada’s 338 seat-Parliament — thereby putting an abrupt end to nearly a decade of Conservative governance under Stephen Harper. Harper’s Conservatives went into the campaign pledging balanced budgets. In sharp contrast, Trudeau promised three years of deficits in order to more than double spending on infrastructure. The Liberals also promised to raise taxes on Canada’s “wealthiest one per cent” — earning more than $200,000 — so taxes on middle-class families could be lowered. Trudeau and the Liberals argued now is the time for Canada to invest in its future rather than embrace austerity economics, and that Canada’s rich should pay their fair share. Evidently most Canadians agree.

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How Wilmington’s Leadership Keeps The Tale of Two Wilmingtons Narrative Alive

Filed in Delaware by on October 20, 2015 21 Comments
How Wilmington’s Leadership Keeps The Tale of Two Wilmingtons Narrative Alive

This time, I ask you to compare the reactions to two important developments:

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [10.20.2015]

Filed in National by on October 20, 2015 0 Comments

Some houses on Trenton Place in Trinity Vicinity in Wilmington. Photo by xzmattzx.

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Gowdy burns CIA source in ongoing effort to smear Clinton

Filed in National by on October 19, 2015 2 Comments
Gowdy burns CIA source in ongoing effort to smear Clinton

Politico reports that House Benghazi Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy released the name of a CIA source during a back-and-forth exchange with Democrats about how sensitive the information was and whether its presence in former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email account constituted a security breach. The email posted Sunday on the panel’s website included […]

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Monday Open Thread [10.19.15]

Filed in National by on October 19, 2015 4 Comments

This was excellent.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [10.19.15]

Filed in National by on October 19, 2015 0 Comments

A Wilmington morning.

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [10.18.15]

Filed in National by on October 18, 2015 0 Comments

The Homecoming parade through Smryna last weekend. From Mylocallife on Instagram.

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