Archive for October, 2015

Today’s Word Is: Petulant

Filed in Delaware by on October 8, 2015 30 Comments
Today’s Word Is: Petulant

Petulant.   pet·u·lant ˈpeCHələnt/ adjective (of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered. Imagine this. You’re attending or employed by a large land grant university that receives a measly 11.9% (down from 18.9%)  of its funding from the State’s general fund, that was previously able to partake in the State’s group benefits purchasing power […]

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Thursday Open Thread [10.8.2015]

Filed in National by on October 8, 2015 4 Comments
Thursday Open Thread [10.8.2015]

Sen. Bernie Sanders “is uninterested in going through the motions of typical debate practice,” Politico reports.

“While CNN is billing the event as a showdown, Sanders’ team sees the first Democratic debate as a chance to introduce a fairly niche candidate to a national audience. So his team intends to let him do what he’s been doing. Far from preparing lines to deploy against Clinton — let alone O’Malley, Lincoln Chafee, or Jim Webb — Sanders plans to dish policy details, learned through a handful of briefings with experts brought in by his campaign.”

I think that would be a good thing. A detailed filled debate. No personal attacks. Quite a contrast to the GOP.

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Lie of the Year. Perhaps of the Decade.

Filed in Delaware by on October 8, 2015 19 Comments
Lie of the Year. Perhaps of the Decade.

In a dog-bites-man story, the despicable House Majority Leader Valerie Longhurst, aka ‘Pete’s Enforcer’, sought to essentially narc out someone who had the temerity to question the raises that D House leadership bestowed upon its staff.  Longhurst did it by leaking an e-mail exchange and issuing a veiled threat to the constituent’s employer.  This News-Journal story captures the essence of Longhurst as well as anything I’ve read.

Please read the story. You’ll see that Longhurst is first utterly disingenuous in somehow claiming that she HAD NO IDEA whether the e-mail in question reflected the official position of the University of Delaware.  Her intent was clear: To get the employee in trouble, and to underline that the General Assembly, due to its infinite charity, provides funds to the University of Delaware and, gee, wouldn’t it be a shame if that relationship was threatened by this e-mail?

And, now, to the Lie of the Year.  In Delaware, this is almost certainly the Lie of the Decade:

“I was just asking a question,” Longhurst said. “I’ve never bullied anybody. If that’s the perception, that’s the perception.”

“How is it intimidating?” she told The News Journal. “I just raised a question.”

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [10.8.2015]

Filed in National by on October 8, 2015 1 Comment

I’d imagine that is much less sand on that beach now. Photo by Bluebird87.

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McCarthy’s Benghazi Committee Truth Gaffe is an Indictment of the DC Press Corps

Filed in National by on October 7, 2015 2 Comments
McCarthy’s Benghazi Committee Truth Gaffe is an Indictment of the DC Press Corps

Josh Marshall makes an important point.

The only thing amazing about this is how it took a momentary remark by McCarthy to suddenly make what everyone knows into an acceptable point of public discussion: namely, that the Benghazi Committee was not only a transparently political exercise (that’s hardly unprecedented) but just a complete crock by every definition. Without McCarthy’s clumsy remark, DC’s establishment press apparently didn’t realize this was the case or didn’t think it was an acceptable point of discussion. That’s amazing.

Your “liberal media” everybody… Fair and balanced!

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Poor Celia

Filed in National by on October 7, 2015 10 Comments
Poor Celia


On the bright side, if anyone can inform Coons, Carper, and Carney that they may now drop their lapdog devotion to fraudulent bipartisanship, it is Celia.

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Bethany Hall-Long to run for Lt. Governor.

Filed in National by on October 7, 2015 22 Comments
Bethany Hall-Long to run for Lt. Governor.

Not that it was much of a secret, since she attended the Jamboree in Sussex County (it is pretty rare for upstate politicians to do that unless you are running for something) and it has been rumored that she would run for some time. But now there is official paperwork. The News Journal says this will shake up the Lt. Governor race. I say it ends it.

But DD, there are now six candidates!?! How can you say it is over? Well…..

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Wednesday Open Thread [10.7.2015]

Filed in National by on October 7, 2015 4 Comments
Wednesday Open Thread [10.7.2015]

Nate Cohn: “Vice President Joe Biden has less support in the polls than Bernie Sanders and hasn’t raised a single dollar for a presidential campaign. Yet if Mr. Biden does decide to seek the presidency, he will pose a greater challenge to Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination.”

I agree. Sanders draws big crowds, and he polls well in New Hampshire, a state he might win. But Sanders is polling behind Biden in every later contest (see polling inside). Biden seems to have the better electability argument on his side, at least in Florida (see polling inside).

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Draft Biden’s Powerful Plea

Filed in National by on October 7, 2015 6 Comments

His story is powerful. The ad is amazing. I am just not sure how many times you can repeat it (but maybe that is just the experienced Delawarean in me).

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [10.7.2015]

Filed in National by on October 7, 2015 0 Comments

Photo from Mike Mahaffie of our angry ocean over this past weekend.

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The father should be charged and tried as an adult

Filed in National by on October 6, 2015 5 Comments
The father should be charged and tried as an adult

Early Saturday evening, an 11 year-old boy from Jefferson County, Tennessee, took his father’s unlocked shotgun and shot and killed, with premeditation, his 8 year-old neighbor, McKayla Dyer, from inside his house – because she wouldn’t show him her puppy.

According to the local news station WKRN-TV (video below), the boy had a history of bullying the little girl. Her mother, Latasha Dyer said: “He was making fun of her, calling her names — just being mean to her…I had to go the principal about him, and he quit for a while, and then all of a sudden yesterday he shot her.” The boy, whose name is being withheld by authorities, has been charged with first degree murder, but a judge is to decide in the coming days whether or not to transfer the case to adult court.

We need to stop calling these incidents accidents.

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Hillary Clinton thinks tying down Senator Tom Carper’s support is a great strategy

Filed in National by on October 6, 2015 2 Comments
Hillary Clinton thinks tying down Senator Tom Carper’s support is a great strategy

The New York Times reports today that Hillary Clinton is organizing “leadership councils” in every state, comprised of dozens of top Democratic state officials and super-delegates to the nominating convention (“super-delegates” automatically become convention delegates because of the offices they hold.) The councils will round up supporters, act as surrogates in the news media in […]

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I am liking the new Hillary Offensive

Filed in National by on October 6, 2015 29 Comments
I am liking the new Hillary Offensive

First it was the Charm Offensive with Saturday Night Live. Followed up by a Town Hall aired live on NBC and MSNBC. Where she was fiesty, on the attack and compassionate and sweet at the same time. And now she is out with a pretty great ad.

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