Delaware Liberal

Congressman John Carney seeks to advance ISIS recruiting goals

What a f*cking profile in courage we have running for Governor.

Congressman John Carney, D-Delaware, believes the U.S. should suspend the intake of military-aged single men fleeing war-torn Syria, but keep allowing women, children and families into the country as federal officials review the vetting process that sees refugees placed across the nation.

Combat-aged single men not attached to families make up about 2 percent of the almost 1,800 refugees admitted into the country, according to the U.S. State Department. But it is those 2 percent who Carney said on Wednesday he’s most concerned with following a terrorist attack on Paris that killed at least 129 people on Friday.

I’m dating myself, but this is so Mike Castle. Trying to be on both sides of something and coming off looking like a bowl of chicken broth.

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