Delaware Liberal

Rubio one-ups Trump’s fascism

I presume Marco Rubio means to close down places like the Westboro Baptist Church, and the NRA with his plans to close down places where “radicals are begin inspired.”

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Asked Rubio about Trump’s statement that the U.S. may need to close mosques.

“Well I think we need to target radicalism — a lot of it is actually happening online, not simply in mosques,” Rubio said in response. “The vast majority of mosques in America are not…”

“But the mosque piece of it is the controversial piece, so where do you stand on that?” Kelly jumped in to ask.

“Well, I think it’s not about closing down mosques. It’s about closing down any place, whether it’s a cafe, a diner, an internet site, any place where radicals are being inspired,” the senator said.

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